07-13-2011, 12:39 AM
azulai Wrote:That's pretty gross what happened to you, Psyche.
If the person I was with didn't like oral: It wouldn't bother me first off because I would have to be in a relationship with the person and what they enjoy or don't enjoy/personal limits would matter. And, I do think there are other ways to achieve intimacy.
As far as hygiene, well, let's just say, if I uncovered cheese, I'd be very blunt and it wouldn't go any farther. To me it's just plain disrespectful not to have basic cleanliness.
If you aren't going for the relationship route: Maybe if you are really into a guy, and you don't know them well and you want to pursue things :biggrin: start with a shower together or a bubble bath and candles??? IDK. Kind of put some things into place to prevent the likelihood of that happening again, and taking control of the situation.
Actually, I'm VERY interested in the relationship route. I met the guy online, and saw all the signs that he was just playing me to get his kicks off, but I was too naive to stop myself. :mad: I wanted to try to have sex, because, well, we all have needs. Ultimately, for me, it didn't work out, and so I learned a thing or two. Primarily, I don't do one-night-stands. Period.