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Terribly confused and feeling really low
Okay, this is extremely long, but it’s deeply affecting me at the moment and I would appreciate it so much if somebody would read it and attempt to understand and advise.

I’m currently 22 years old and around 7 years ago I got into my first ever relationship with a girl which turned out to be an awful experience. At the time I was blindly infatuated with her and put up with being emotionally and physically used and abused by her time and time again. She always refused to be in an 'official' relationship with me and would never actually call me her boyfriend, despite being affectionate and having sex with me all of the time when we were together.

It made me feel completely inadequate and like she was embarrassed of me. On top of this she hooked up with numerous other guys and didn't seem to care how it made me feel. I should have ended it but I was unbelievably naive and completely un-aware of how I should be behaving as it was all new to me. It went on for about a year in total, during which I felt anxious and paranoid. I couldn't bring myself to stop seeing her and kept going back only to receive more and more heartache.

To cut a long story short the worst part of what happened is that I never once spoke about it to anybody and completely bottled it up. I actually blamed myself for the whole thing and was so ashamed, rather than viewing myself as being a victim. I've recently come to the conclusion that something must have happened within my subconscious mind that has blocked any interest in anybody since. I haven't been romantically or sexually involved with anybody for 7 years since that happened. Although until recently I didn't think it was a problem or that it even bothered me. I felt like I didn't need that intimacy. I also became, what I think is unhealthily isolated and become extremely lonely, losing the interest in forming bonds.

Although that part is the back-story. It plays a huge part in what has happened since... Around three years ago I met an amazing guy who became my best friend. I couldn't believe how similar we were and quickly felt a deep connection with him despite not seeing each other often because of living apart. He's a little younger than me and in the beginning; he kind of looked up to and admired me. I understood that wasn't entirely healthy, but I just loved the attention. We used to text each other every day and talk about pretty much everything.

However... slightly over a year ago he got with his current girlfriend who he became absolutely infatuated with and constantly thought about. I didn't like what had happened and felt like he had gone against what I thought were his beliefs. Over the time he's been with her, even though we chatted often, I have become increasingly unhappy and uncomfortable with him being with her. I didn't like feeling like that, but couldn't help it or identify why. The thought of them together made me really agitated and feel low, almost betrayed. I had a few outbursts against some things he did and after a long chat, for the first time I opened up to him about what had happened to me in the past and a lot of things suddenly became clear. By totally repressing my feelings about what happened to me, I had developed a real animosity towards relationships, especially when people close to me got into them. After our chat I started to feel better and although it was difficult, I did a lot of thinking and began to understand where those feelings were coming from and attempted to overcome it.

Everything since that had been pretty good and I was getting on with things well until a recent event that came completely out of the blue and has changed everything. I visited him recently and we just hung out as normal. One night we got very drunk and he seemed to become really excited and told me that he wanted to tell me something. He sat me down and confessed to me that he sometimes imagines me when he masturbates. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and was in complete shock. I don't remember much of what happened but the next thing I remember is that we were on top of each other, very passionately kissing each other and he pulled my top off and was running his hands all over my body. When it came to an end we both said 'what just happened?' and laughed about it.

As the night progressed though, it happened a few more times and once he completely dropped his pants and approached me again, but I remember that just didn't feel right and I said no and pushed him back. Later in the night we both woke up and I put my arm around him and started to drift back off to sleep. However he took my hand and placed it down his pants and around his penis. Although that wasn't what I was after doing, I masturbated him for a while, which he was obviously enjoying and he attempted to do back to me, but I refused again and didn't want him to touch me like that. I don't know why I did that and it didn't arouse me, but I guess I thought he might enjoy it.

That was all that happened but in the morning when we spoke about it he became pretty defensive and claimed that 'he was just missing his girlfriend'. A couple of nights later, I put my arm around him again like before but he said that he didn't want me to do that and turned away which I found really hurtful. He again claimed that it was because he missed his girlfriend, but I remember the way he was with me that night and I think it was more than that.

My dilemma is that I don't think of my friend sexually and haven't masturbated while thinking about him, as he said that he'd done. I don’t look at his body in that way etc. But I do feel extremely strongly about him, which confuses me no end. Since I returned from our visit I have been feeling extremely low and don’t know what to think. I am extremely confused and those feelings of being unwanted and used have returned, to the level it’s affected my sleep and appetite.

Have the years of denying physical intimacy caused me to redirect my repressed emotions towards my friend? I feel like I just want to be close to him and be loved by him. Also, what is going on with my friend? He is absolutely terrified of his girlfriend cheating on him, yet did exactly that himself and now he’s claiming it isn’t a big deal. I am so confused right now and would really appreciate somebody’s outside opinion on the situation. Thanks for reading!

First of all buddy, calm down and take a deep breath. From what you say, it sounds like you have had a rough time. First of all emotional abuse in a relationship can do strange things to a person. Maybe what you were feeling was the need for was close contact and attention from another human being. Also you have to think, you are relatively young, I think it is common for younger guys to experiment with each other, you don't have to be quick to put a label on yourself. Also when you were intimate with him it sounded like you had drank copious amounts of alcohol which can make us do crazy things. Even though you did it a couple of times that doesn't make you gay. Maybe you felt guilt because you prefer him as a friend rather than a partner.

Maybe your friend does have sexual feelings for you, you don't have to reciprocate it is your choice. Overall you might be feeling rejection and that is why you feel depressed but not something sexually related. You may be feeling rejected because you long for closeness and attention from another person and your friend rejected you in not allowing you to put your arm around him. Overall buddy you determine your own fate and sexuality, think about it carefully and maybe talk to your friend about your feelings.

If you want to talk further pm me.

Good luck,

I can't offer more than mrk2010 has already said, except to say that it sounds like you have a lot of things swishing around. Whether or not any of this stuff is to do with your previous relationship I cannot say. Maybe, since it is affecting your sleep and general well-being, you might consider talking to a trained counsellor?

marshlander Wrote:I can't offer more than mrk2010 has already said, except to say that it sounds like you have a lot of things swishing around. Whether or not any of this stuff is to do with your previous relationship I cannot say. Maybe, since it is affecting your sleep an general well-being, you might consider talking to a trained counsellor?

Wow, thank you Marshlander. There is one more thing I think I could add. Think about having some "me time" do something which you enjoy to destress something which is constructive and will help you to keep moving on so you aren't sat about doing nothing. Personally for me its martial arts, it helps me get rid of my nervous energy and negative feelings. Confusedmile:

angus18 Wrote:Everything since that had been pretty good and I was getting on with things well until a recent event that came completely out of the blue and has changed everything. I visited him recently and we just hung out as normal. One night we got very drunk and he seemed to become really excited and told me that he wanted to tell me something. He sat me down and confessed to me that he sometimes imagines me when he masturbates. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and was in complete shock. I don't remember much of what happened but the next thing I remember is that we were on top of each other, very passionately kissing each other and he pulled my top off and was running his hands all over my body. When it came to an end we both said 'what just happened?' and laughed about it.

this is my favorite part of the story,,, :biggrin:

mrk2010 - thank you for that! You're right, that kind of thing can cause people to do really strange things. Especially considering it was my first ever relationship and I haven't been close to anybody since that all those years ago... until now which is understandable. I would really like to chat to you about it some more actually, thank you for offering that support. I'm afraid that I'm unable to send PM's because of my post count though. Do you have any other means of contact?

marshlander - I am really considering that now. I have also in the past because I recognised that I wasn't living a really fulfilling life and that it was strange that I wasn't interested in anyone. I will have to see how I feel because I did have a really good sleep last night and I feel better for it this morning.

Gabbyboy - HEY! This is a serious story haha

Hey angus, what I will do is I will send you a personal message with my email in it, you should still be able to receive them, I'll also send you a friend request. Confusedmile:

Hey again Angus I have added my email / messenger contact to my profile, feel free to email/message me. Confusedmile:

Users and abusers are horrible people, I've had my own share. I think it can leave you with a feeling of fearful caution, which can cause us to unintentionally push others away, preventing ourselves from getting close to others; much to our own frustrations. The thing I'd say is, give the dating scene another chance. As my step mother once said to me, you've got to go around the houses a bit until you learn how to spot the good ones. When we're young, we don't feel strong inside, and we look up to others and don't really know how to respond when our role models abuse us.

You can't change what has happened - however, you can change how you respond next time it happens. You can't get retribution against her, but you can destroy her legacy by vowing not to let her games ruin your future. And you can make a mockery of her pride by entertaining only those who treat you right.

Now, I'm going to start talking hypothetically. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think in your situation I might feel jealous of a friend who seems to be having luck with a gf, given that I'd had such a tough time. I might dislike the girl, particularly as I might feel as if she's taking the attention away in a way that reminds me of my ex. For that guy to then do something sexual with me and then the next day reject me with the excuse of that very gf is somewhat an unintended slap in the face. It's as if someone has prodded my distant memories, at the same time as rejecting me - not a nice experience! Well, this is the friend's insecurity. Most definitely he has homoerotic feelings, take the alcohol away and he can't even admit to them. In a way, you've got to laugh, does he really think the world is that stupid as to believe "it was just his gf"?! Sexuality isn't straight vs gay, it is all shades of gray. And maybe he fears his gf will cheat because he does. I assure you he likes you some what if he was willing to force your hand down his pants! Wake up and smell the roses darling!

My advice would be: Stay away from complicated situations for now. Take a break from looking for romance, and just enjoy being you and being sexy and single. Tease the ladies (and gays) with a smile. And then, when you feel more settled, don't take any more shit. Draw a line under it all, and demand the respect and love you deserve. If there's any cheating of any kind involved, best to say: thanks, that was fun, next!

Paul1 - Man! You are like the voice of wisdom right there, I read that with a big smile across my face!! Thank you.

Although what has happened with my friend lately has been a difficult time, I have the feeling that it was necessary for me to move on. If I didn't start to have those feelings about my friend (whatever they may be) and all this never happened, then it would have never brought up that stuff from my past... and therefore it would still be manifesting and repressed. Over the past few days I have told a few people very close to me EVERYTHING that happened to me, and they couldn't have been more understanding. I've had amazing people around me to help me through difficult times all along, but didn't pursue it and instead became isolated. Which is never a good coping method. Because of that, I actually feel that I will be able to be with people again in the future. But like you said, I'm going to take it very slowly for the time being.

The truth is, I never took the time to actually bother feeling. I threw myself into so many other things and convinced myself that I was okay and in the end I actually believed it. But it stayed there and became like a pressure cooker over those years.

I think you've really hit the nail on the head when you describe how I've been feeling with regards to him and his girl. I always get the stronger negative feelings when I feel that he's ignoring me, directly because of her or if she interrupts our time together. That really did feel like a slap in the face when he rejected me like that. I genuinely only wanted to hug him but he wasn't having any of it and wouldn't admit that there was more to what happened a couple nights previous. He definitely didn't think I was a girl put it that way! Haha

I haven't been able to think very rationally these past few days, but reading your reply, I think it's obvious that he was scared, not about what happened, but the fact that it MEANT something to him and claiming that he was missing his girlfriend was a way to detach that meaning because he's afraid of what he feels. I'm beginning to remember bits and pieces of the night and he said things like "I don't think I'm bisexual... well maybe a little, but I don't know". I think he doesn't really know what he wants to be honest.

Finally, you may consider this extreme, but that's just the way my mind works I'm afraid. I considered just never seeing him or contacting him again. I know that is taking desperate measures but I just don't want to feel bad anymore. Whether those feelings are real or misguided, that doesn't take them away and often just when I start feeling good again something comes and stirs it up. However without a doubt, he IS my best friend and to lose him like that would be crushing. Perhaps I'm attempting to look for answers far too quickly and in an emotionally charged state. What would you say to that? Thank you so much again! You've made my day.

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