08-13-2011, 11:26 PM
Bullying at school and in the workplace is all to often dismissed by people as 'character building' and the advice from ignorant people too often is 'Harden Up'.
BUT there is bullying and then there is BULLYING.
The everyday bullying, like being called a 'Ranga' for having red hair, 'Sticks' for being skinny, 'Nerd' for being smart, is nothing more than banter....friendly and unfriendly and can be character building because it more than often is not vicous and accompanied by physical conflict. I still don't like it, but this bantering is just a fact of life.
BULLYING is where you come into problems and it is where people need to understand that this scars people so deeply that emotionally and psychologically, they become unhinged. This includes homophobia, obesity, racism, religious vilification and disablities, and is more often than not accompanied why some sort of physical confrontation like pushing, shoving, punching, fighting, stone throwing etc. This bullying is just so hurtful that it often leaves the victim feeling so claustrophobic because there seems to be no escape as everywhere we turn there is bullying...can't go to school, can't go to sports, can't even walk to the shops without some sort of incident.
It is easy to understand how someone can be pushed to the point that they feel the only way to avoid being harrassed and bullied is suicide, because it seem to be the only escape.
I went through this from about the age of 12. A boy that I was fond of and shared some good times with (I often refer to him as my first Boyfriend, first real love). He confided in a friend of his who happened to be deeply religious and after that came to me and told me I should find god or everyone at school would find out about me. He escaped the bullying because he turned to god and became one of my bullies. I would often go home from school with large bruises, torn clothes and vandalised school bag.
There was little escape and that is when I started to think about dying. I got to the point where I was laying on a rail track and waiting for a train, when the train came my life flashed before my eyes, I just couldn't do it, but I know how easy it is to get to that point.
So I say to anyone that dismisses bullying as harmless and character building, you have blood on your hands because you push victims to the edge by making them feel like thay are not important enough to be helped.
To anyone in these forums that is feeling desperate enough to be considering suicide, please send me a message, I want to hold your hand, I want to hear your story, I want you in my life.
There are a lot of great people in GaySpeak who would stand beside me and say the same thing, we love you, we will be here for you...Please, let us help you?
Please use this thread to share your stories and let everyone know that you care and you want to help too
BUT there is bullying and then there is BULLYING.
The everyday bullying, like being called a 'Ranga' for having red hair, 'Sticks' for being skinny, 'Nerd' for being smart, is nothing more than banter....friendly and unfriendly and can be character building because it more than often is not vicous and accompanied by physical conflict. I still don't like it, but this bantering is just a fact of life.
BULLYING is where you come into problems and it is where people need to understand that this scars people so deeply that emotionally and psychologically, they become unhinged. This includes homophobia, obesity, racism, religious vilification and disablities, and is more often than not accompanied why some sort of physical confrontation like pushing, shoving, punching, fighting, stone throwing etc. This bullying is just so hurtful that it often leaves the victim feeling so claustrophobic because there seems to be no escape as everywhere we turn there is bullying...can't go to school, can't go to sports, can't even walk to the shops without some sort of incident.
It is easy to understand how someone can be pushed to the point that they feel the only way to avoid being harrassed and bullied is suicide, because it seem to be the only escape.
I went through this from about the age of 12. A boy that I was fond of and shared some good times with (I often refer to him as my first Boyfriend, first real love). He confided in a friend of his who happened to be deeply religious and after that came to me and told me I should find god or everyone at school would find out about me. He escaped the bullying because he turned to god and became one of my bullies. I would often go home from school with large bruises, torn clothes and vandalised school bag.
There was little escape and that is when I started to think about dying. I got to the point where I was laying on a rail track and waiting for a train, when the train came my life flashed before my eyes, I just couldn't do it, but I know how easy it is to get to that point.
So I say to anyone that dismisses bullying as harmless and character building, you have blood on your hands because you push victims to the edge by making them feel like thay are not important enough to be helped.
To anyone in these forums that is feeling desperate enough to be considering suicide, please send me a message, I want to hold your hand, I want to hear your story, I want you in my life.
There are a lot of great people in GaySpeak who would stand beside me and say the same thing, we love you, we will be here for you...Please, let us help you?
Please use this thread to share your stories and let everyone know that you care and you want to help too