08-15-2011, 04:08 AM
I hope this is posted in the right spot. anyway i have been going to the dentist at the same place for about a year and everytime i go , end up seeing a different dentist almost everytime,( one of those clinics that have many , most if not all are right out of college) anyway this very atractive male dentist was the one i got the last few times i went, and because I thought he was cute i requested him last time i went to. so my question is i think but maybe its in my mind, that he has been a little more touchy feely with me . more so then any other dentist ive ever seen. I was getting a root canel last week and of course he had to give me a shot of lidocaine, i told him that i have a hard time getting numb and he said( dont worry iam giving you the strong stuff, this will pinch but i will be gentle) ok i guess kinda normal. so he proceeds to work on me and i notice he kept touching my face in spots that wernt needed to be touched for the root canel. and many times ,once for almost 10-15 min he leans his stomach area tight against my head/shoulder area, again for no reason, he didnt even have his hand in my mouth one time. he was so close i could hear his heart beat and feel his body heat. then i noticed when he was holding a dental tool, he would hold out his pinky fingure like he was drinking a cup of tea or somthing. he just seemed very sensitive in the way he worked on me. i have Never had dental work that didnt hurt because i could always feel it but not this time. now i know iam probaly over examining this and making somthing out of nothing but do you think he could be gay, and thats why he was so gentle with me or is he just a really good dentist. my gaydar is usally pretty good but iam having a hard time with this one. i have a bi uncle and a gay cousin so i can tell most of time ( it runs in my genes). would be nice if by some slim chance he was gay or bi. because he is very nice guy. but i kno he couldnt or shouldnt have a relationship with a patient. sorry about the huge single spaced , run on sentence , pile of words. lol. hope someone one here can help me out