Well I think being different from straight guys is positive on its own. Gay people have different outlooks and opinions on life. I think that is one the best things for me.
Men, men and MEN......
God I love being gay. I love the freedom we experience once we have come out and realised we can do and be anything we want. I love that my lover is also my best friend and not from Venus.... I love that men understand each other when it comes to sex without all the game playing....I love that we have a secret community with subtle signs and signals that feels often like a fraternity....I like that I can go to any city in the world and if I find the "gay quarter" I'm emmediatley taken in and offered...help, advice...whatever. I love that it enabled me to find my soul mate (again?) and given me more joy and happiness than I ever could have dreamed possible...
The best thing if being gay, is that we ENJOY everything we reach in affective, love and sexual life much more than a straight person. It's very motivating to get what we want after struggling against the system, after jumping that extra obstacle we have in life, it's a double prize. Gay life is not so easy, that's why it's so great to reach those.
VERY well said boys ... V.E.R.Y well said :biggrin:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
as a few of you have touched upon, one of the best things about being gay for me is it gives us a head start in understanding other gay guys
we all began our gay lives with similar experiences & can relate to each other on that level. it's like a big gay brotherhood. kinda.
that's why i don't understand gay guys who dismiss lesbians or women - they face similar prejudice to us. those guys are missing out bigtime
Intresting that you mentioned that Tom. Anyhow to be honest although i am gay myself it took me time to understand gay guys, we quite are quite dismissive of people with the same sexuality to ours. I dont get way, maybe because i am quite accepting as a person really. Btw i was thinking how make the forums here in a way to attract more girls too, that would be nice.