Whilst I agree with adoption, I view it very much as a second-best scenario to having my own child ...
I always have this vision of being a parent (which accounts for one of my views on spirituality, which I won't bore you with now) ... I picture myself watching my son putting on his tie before going to school and smiling to myself because he's doing it like my partner would, which is
totally different to how I'd do it ...
... stupid little things like that, but they get to me.
... and I see what you're saying, but I don't think this world is
that bad really ... there's good and bad everywhere, but life is a gift, and one that is uniformly, I think, a good thing ... unless you're going to turn out to be a psychopathic axe-murderer, but we can't divine the future so let's just see !!

The topic of parenting is largely moot for me at the moment, as my partner would never want kids, but I'm working on my "thousand cuts" theory on that one ... hehehe.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!