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I nominate gilhooly to be kicked out of GS
whats after happening here? i dont understand why ye want someone 2 be kicked out :confused:

Paul1 Wrote:Have you guys tried NOT smoking weed?

Now why would anyone do that? :tongue:

Gilhooly certainly makes this place more interesting, I'll say that much. This thread is starting to deliver.

Gilhooly, I think you just need to think before you write sometimes. I mean, when you compared me to your dad... I believe it was meant to be a compliment... I think.... but it was so rambly, I could barely make sense of it and it in turned sort of creeped me out. That may not have been the desired intention, but I decided to ignore the PM's you sent. And it sometimes seems as if you are seeking attention, which is how creating a poll like this comes off to me. I have a big day tomorrow so might not get a chance to respond for a while if this gets responded too, but I can see both where you aim to be a good guy stating your beliefs but also how you might end up offending some members, intentional or not.

I have absolutely no fucking idea who either of you are, or what either of your beef's are so I voted to let the person stay, who are we voting for again?

jbrowder24 Wrote:Gilhooly, I think you just need to think before you write sometimes. I mean, when you compared me to your dad... I believe it was meant to be a compliment... I think.... but it was so rambly, I could barely make sense of it and it in turned sort of creeped me out. That may not have been the desired intention, but I decided to ignore the PM's you sent. And it sometimes seems as if you are seeking attention, which is how creating a poll like this comes off to me. I have a big day tomorrow so might not get a chance to respond for a while if this gets responded too, but I can see both where you aim to be a good guy stating your beliefs but also how you might end up offending some members, intentional or not.

This an interesting post. I am 65 and believe I have been thinking all my life. Mr. Browder doubts I can think,

He says I compared him to my father. I definitely meant that as a compliment. Mr. Browder thinks my dad is creepy.

Mr. Browder says I have not conformed my speech or writing to someone's standards. If GS has standards for writing I never received my copy of the manual.

Mr. Browder says he will ignore me. I am an American citizen. I am one of 300 milion people being ignored by politicians and media. If Mr. Browder worked for the media his behavior is 100% normal. The media is paid to ignore everyone.

He thinks my writing rambles. I always thought James Joyce liked to ramble. It was called "stream of consciousness". Mr. Browder thinks my father, James Joyce and I are creepy. You are welcome to your opinion. I believe in the First Amendment.

Mr. Browder believes I joined GS seeking attention. I plead guilty. If I was as mindless as a member of the media I would be paid by GS. I am not paid by GS. I write posts and threads hoping other members will read and comment. I hate to say this out loud, we may all beseeking attention. Mr. Browder does not seek attention he simply rules from the bench.

Mr. Browder were you appointed or elected to your position as judge of GS members.

Mr. Browder my opinion of you is no longer complimentary. Throughout my life I often changed my mind when my beliefs collided with facts.

Mr. Browder I will no longer read your threads or posts as a sign of respect for my father.

Hey Guys. We pay $400 million a year to people like Browder or Rush Limbaugh. Let's continue to write at GS for free. When the members of the media can prosecute us I have no doubt they will. The idea that people make less than a million horrifies them. We are supposed to shut our collective mouths and wait for what Browder and Limbaugh think.

Hey Browder thanks for reminding to think when I read someone. Recently a woman I know asked me what I wanted her to talk about. I suggested menstruation. She laughed. I said I'm serious. I am 65 and know nothing about.it. She talked for an hour to my delight. She said she enjoyed talking to me. I asked why. She said women were so judgmental when listening to other women on menstruation. She said I was not judgmental. I agreed. It would take more than an hour for me to have an opinion on menstruation. I switched the conversation to male sexuality. For over an hour she said so many things I had never considered about men. When it ended I told her I enoyed talking. We both left with lots of questions to think about.

Mr. Browder sqirrels make good listeners. I sit in a park to insult my walker and squirrels seem to jump in and help. I often accuse them of being self-serving. They are constantly checking my right pocket. I have no more bread I tell them. I gave you my last piece of bread. They sit there and listen attentively. I remind them I got no COLA adjustment. They will have to wait at least another year for an increase in bread. I like the fact they consider my answers.

Mr. Browder I find squirrels more fun to talk to than you. They pretty much accept me as a truthful. I like the idea that I will be judged by the same God that created squirrels..

Mr. Browder I doubt that God will claim responsibility for politicians and commentators. I still believe my God is smart and is building the universe.

Most people just like to shuffle shit and act brainwashed by media.

Guys I may still commit a few sins based on free will.

Miles Prower Wrote:Now why would anyone do that? :tongue:

Gilhooly certainly makes this place more interesting, I'll say that much. This thread is starting to deliver.
i never smoke weed point blank lol:biggrin:

I don't know Gihooly, and I didn't take the time to read his posts, but here's my opinion.

One of the reasons I love Gayspeak is because the people here don't judge, they accept you for who and what you are. So accept the people you don't understand, and stop judging.

Gilhooly's posts remind me of the poetry of Allen Ginsburg, only less coherent and without the benefit of a copy editor.


Wow. Gilhooly, you misread and misinterpreted so much of what I said. I never said I would ignore you; I said I chose to ignore those specific PM's. I never said your dad was creepy. I never said you don't possess the capability to think; my implication was maybe you rush to your words. I actually took my time to choose my words carefully hoping I would get through to you without offending you, and I said I can see where you are trying to be a good guy.

If you want to be offended, go ahead. Ignore me. It was NOT my intention to insult you. But wow, thanks for letting me know how you really feel about me. Glad to see you can create a poll asking people if you should be kicked out, thus inviting people to give their honest opinion; only to rip apart anyone who actually does so.

By the way, I am a guy that struggles, living paycheck to paycheck. I am not sure why you lumped me in with a highly-paid right-wing pundit, when I'm a left-leaning low-paid guy that doesn't work in politics.

should we just let this mindless pissing contest die and stop posting replies? PLEASE????

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