Hokay ...
Well firstly I think at your age it's
perfectly natural for you to be experiencing feelings and thoughts like this ... your teens are generally where you undergo a period of sexual and hormonal growth and development ... it's a time for you to be trying things out and seeing what you like, what you don't, and so on ...
So as I say, it's perfectly natural for you to be
considering experimenting sexually with other people your age, be they male or female ...
HOWEVER, it goes without saying that as you are 15 years old there
is a line to be observed, and that is that you are a minor, and consequently if you were to go through with engaging in sexual intercourse at your age, it would be underage sex and, there could be serious repercussions ... not just if your parents were to find out, but if the authorities (or the other guy/girl's parents were to become involved), so if I were you I wouldn't do anything about it just yet - I'd wait until I was at least 16, which is, I believe, the current age of consent on the mainland ...
With regard to why you perhaps find it appealing one minute and less than stellar the next ? Perhaps because (I'm taking it as read) you're still a virgin, and so you're not able to balance the thought of having sex with the reality ... it can be amazing, or it can be crap - depends on who you're with, how YOU feel and a whole host of other factors besides.
Quote:the idea of doing it with him becomes sickening and sounds like the crappest idea in the world?
"Sickening" is an interesting choice of words I find ... why
sickening ? Why not just a fantasy that you're exploring, whether you go through with it or not ?

The best advice I can give you is not to feel forced or pressured - you're only 15 - you're just over half my age, and I've still got TRUCKLOADS to experience ... I didn't first have sex until I was about 23 (thinks back), so you've got YEARS before you'd be as late a bloomer as me

If you wanna ask some more questions about it, fire away and we'll try and help you out.
Take care kiddo,
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!