Hi, Ken.
Thanks for replying back.
I just want you to know that I do know where YOU are coming from with the conservative background.

And, it does take us work to be more open and understanding about others when it comes to things that we would never even consider doing ourselves. I don't know that I could enter in a relationship similar to what you have. If you only knew what I put my bf through...let's just say, I'm way more prudish than you. :tongue:
Your thoughts about his past may have started out as empathy on your part but they have evolved into a vicarious empathy that you are using to torture yourself. Have you had a good cry? I ask that because I think you are mourning things that you can never be with this man you love so much. Your reality is a complete dichotomy to your expectations/dreams/desires for a relationship. This is what I think you are having so much trouble trying to accept. I don't think the problem is you accepting his past at all, but of you accepting the lost of your dream of what you want to be to someone. You need to determine how important that dream is. Your dream may need to evolve.
rockstar1985 Wrote:To me, sex is a very deep expression of love for someone and shouldn't be shared casually. That is something I can only apply to myself but also something I wish for in a partner.
I could have written this. In fact, if you were to search past posts, I think I've written something similar. lol. I know sex can be just sex, just a need, but I don't ever want to it to not be making love for me personally.
Could the question that you are longing to ask your boyfriend be: how could he go with random men? How could he? It's something you and I can't wrap our heads around. Are you sure you are not angry at him for his choices? Are you sure? I have amazing self-control. It's almost self-destructive sometimes. Could it be anger that's eating at you?
rockstar1985 Wrote:I can't imagine what it would be like to discuss past experiences so freely like you [marshlander] and your BF.
How come?
Maybe you need to open yourself up to him.
You see, to me, you are sharing some pretty intimate physical stuff with this boyfriend --how come you can't share the intimacy of your mind?
I think you have this driving need to protect and maybe you want to protect him from your
true feelings about some of the things he's done in his past. You don't want to come across as judging, but we do have a system of values. I don't think your relationship will have an honest chance if you don't let your bf reassure you, comfort you, or hold you when life is overwhelming. I think you are overwhelmed. He's a 22 year old man, that's overcome obstacles, earned a degree and is in a relationship. He must have some mental fortitude. Surely, he can handle an honest discussion with you? Maybe you are struggling with not being the protector but needing that safe harbor yourself? I think if you let some of your walls down, you may be surprised.
rockstar1985 Wrote:But I love him and I need to let this go.
One thing that worries me is that your relationship is just five months old.
You may be putting way too much pressure on yourself and a new relationship. You may be trying to accept too quickly what only time and mutual respect can achieve. Are you happy with all other aspects of the relationship? It's seems like you might be living together. Is that working out well? You may be now realizing that what you first ideally thought you could handle, you in fact, cannot. Could that be what you are worried about?
Again, thanks for replying back. I sincerely hope you find peace.