Thanks babe ...
I'm the same as you - I
always struggled to put weight on, but as I've gotten progressively nearer to turning 30, my metabolism has started to decline, meaning I'm no longer able to eat as much as I used to ...
was doing fine - I've been going to the gym since I was 21, and I was very happy with my progress (although having a sweet tooth has been a bit of a hindrance for me over the years) ...
... then, however, my best mate (and gym partner) went away on secondment to London for 3 months, and so I got a personal trainer at the gym in a bid to put on 1 stone of muscle in 3 months, so naturally my trainer put me on protein powders and all sorts of other bits 'n bobs ... the end result of which was that I wasn't doing
enough cardio to offset the calorie intake, and I started to bloat, which I HATED ... so I dropped the calories and upped the cardio which was no mean feat as I HATE cardio work in general (although I, like you, DO enjoy racket sports - badminton and squash mostly), so that, for me, was a real slog ...
... and now I'm kinda balancing the two - I do SOME cardio SOME of the time, and focus mainly on that which I enjoy - weights ... but I am SO desperate to drop my % bodyfat ... so you reckon just sensible eating plus moderate exercise and that's as good a start as any ?
So you've been working out since January and have managed to drop a good 4% bodyfat ? In a year ? That's pretty good going babe, considering you've not had to sacrifice your health - I would think it's possible to do crash-courses and what have you, but the risks are obviously greater ... so WELL DONE !!!!!
Post some pictures on your profile if ya like - I'd find it really interesting to keep tabs on your performance and see if I can get anywhere NEAR that good in that space of time


!?!?! Shadow !?!?!