Well, for me, this is pretty simple. In fact, this would make me pretty damn angry. Running of with an ex like this means, nearly without exception, that things are over or will be over soon. The fact that he can't just tell you he doesn't want to be with you is the infuriating part. If it were me, I'd dump him, and I'd dump him hard. Take the time while he's in Europe to get things straightened out and get yourself back on track.
I also agree with most people here, he's not caring about your feelings in the matter. I'm sorry you are going through this, but it would be a deal breaker for me too. : (
I agree. I wouldnt want to put up with this. I would be spending every minute imagining what could be going on between the two. He should really think about your feelings. How would he feel if you just randomly went on a vacation with one of your ex-boyfriends? He would be just as uneasy if he really loves you.
Does he really think his ex would offer him a free trip out of the goodness of his heart? I mean, I'm not saying it's impossible... but why weren't you invited too then, if it's moved on to a friend stage? I'm definitely sorry to hear that you guys have been fighting over it, and that he would choose to do what he wants to do regardless of how it makes you feel. I've actually been in a similar situation, but a guy I'd been with a shorter amount of time. Two years is already quite a history, so I hope you guys can get it worked out.