09-17-2011, 01:36 PM
Here's another apocalyptic senerio question from. If were living in a post apocalyptic/nuclear land scape(think mad max, fallout series, s.t.a.l.k.e.r. ,metro 2033) complete with mutants, raiders, gangs, scavengers, towns and city's, and shit tons of abandon biuldings, houses,and under ground tunnels,sewers,and sub stations(very detailed i know
) what would be your preferd weapons(assuming there's still a military around producing weapons and ammunitions, i'll let you some slightly more fantasized options, but try to be some what realistic. My preferd chioces are
:.308 bolt-rifle, .357revolver , pump shotgun
: ka-bar knife, kukri knife.

:.308 bolt-rifle, .357revolver , pump shotgun
: ka-bar knife, kukri knife.