OH! OTHER THING.. my favourite game was SHENMUE 1&2 for the Dreamcast & YES i know they came out 4 the original X-BOX. i'd STILL like 2 C a 3rd 1 come out!...
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Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Wii and 360, i honestly cant pick.
DS when it comes to hand helds.
Favorite console of all time? N64/SNES/Megadrive
The good old days.........(wait a minute! I'm 17!)
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Posts: 3,163
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Joined: Oct 2002
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
I sold the Wii and 360 and have now got a PS3! I know you can call me a traitor!
Use it for games, bluray discs, and a lot as a media centre (streaming video etc. from pc). Was gonna also get a PlayTV thingy and retire the pvr box but have been told the running costs of leaving the PS3 on all day are huge. (has really high wattage of about 380w compaired to the dedicated pvr which is only about 20w)
Must say I enjoy it a lot more than the previous consoles though. My favourite game is WipeoutHD. Martyn loves Singstar on it too! (have to remove all glass objects from the room before he starts! lol)
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Actually Andy you SAVED money! the money you would've had to spend on either getting it fixed or getting a new 1, when your 360 displayed the RED RING OF DEATH....so i think you made the right choice.
so i have been on a wii and 360. never a ps3. but its my fav. mainly because the games i am interested in are all on the ps3, bar one on wii and one on 360...
it has to be the 360!
but id have to say the PCs up there as wel!