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Worst thing in the world.
I stayed out of this topic for personal reasons.

Savedguy, you have proven yourself to be a vile creature. You confess to being a paedophile, how on earth did you expect us to respond to that confession?

You did the wrong thing, you had a choice, your son didn't, you made the wrong choice as a supposed 'responsible' adult, and when we react in horror and digust at your repugnant confession and behaviour, you abuse us?

I think you should do the honourable thing and turn yourself in and leave GaySpeak as there are many many confused gay youth that seek advice in a clean and safe forum...your presence soils that.

SavedGay Wrote:I see now what the real problem here is, I am a hated Christian. You nhaters here (and I am only talking to the ones that spewed their venom, not the ones that acknowledged that i did something terrible and need help but werent hateful about it) picked out s few things that I saidn on here and paid no attention to the whole picture. I'm old and not very eloquent but I'll do my best to present the whole picture one last time and then I will soil your doorstep no longer.

Nope, that's not it. there are pleanty of christians in GaySpeak, but there is only one self confessed peadophile.

SavedGay Wrote:Are you a Christian? Tell the truth now.

My religious inclinations have nothing to do with anything, and as far as I am concerned relgion is a deeply personal thing that one should not impose on those around them.

@SavedGay, I suggest you close this thread.

I am surprised and extremely disappointed with the responses you got. True, you have issues, you did a lot to provoke this, but I never thought an attempt at seeking forgiveness and understanding from someone who feels deep remorse would get so cruel responses, especially from the people on this site. I cannot describe how disappointed and crestfallen I am.

You can close it yourself, since you are the starter.

Sorry ... but what I read here let me ask where I am .... Till now this forum was known for help... not for insults. I know ... its easier to answer a thread named "my left ball hangs lower" but this here is a shame.

Saved guy don´t start a thread named "I`m proud to announce..."... he know that he has done maybe the biggest mistake in his life. So he needs more an advice than a insult... and I think it is great that someone has enough confidence to talk about this kind of problems.
For me it is very important not to judge if someone needs a advice.... and it is not my job to think about criminal assessments if someone know he has done a mistake - if someone abuse a child and thinks he did a great job I´m the first who try to help the child and not the molester.... but here it seems not that easy.

I know the problem ... if a gay or bisexual guy reads "gay" "bi" in context with child we start to defend.... but as possible it is for a heterosexual guy to act in a complete wrong way it is possible for a gay or bi guy to act wrong, too. To ignore the problem is not really a kind of help.

My advice for SavedGay is: Try to find a good psychologist ... to maybe help you.. but much more to help your son and maybe your son can accept your apology some day.

And my advice for any child, boy or girl, in the world that feels or really is abused is: Search for help... tell your story a teacher a priest... maybe someone you trust in your family or friends... or go to the police.

Who gave a great advice in this case was Slipknotrizz... I always wonder again how great he reacts for his age

I haven't wanted to say anything on this page, easier to keep yourself neutral that will say. I am still do NOT support it, i find what he did as an abomination but i also feel pity for him, he obviously regrets it, he has tried to do redeem him self and to do the right thing and he only gets hate back. As he has stated in earlier posts he has even tried to commit suicide because of remorse. I could see why he tried to turn here with the problem, he tough that the gay community would be a bit less judgmental since gays had been suppressed under all ages but currently he was wrong.

I am an agnostic my self (I do not believe in deities and gods but i believe that something spiritual, no matter if that is mother nature if self, that created the earth). Isn't Christianity about forgive, forget and love your next? On my opinion he is willing and trying his best to seek redemption and isn't god the only one to judge that? Isn't that what Religion is about? Peace and not hate and discriminate? But nothing will never change, cause humans are still humans, there is no god. The man is crying for forgiveness, meanwhile there is men in prison convicted of murder and don't regret it.

The only thing i can see is a man, who were terrified to get out of the closet (just like me on THAT point, Not pedophilia........) but still had the curiosity and wants to get dick obviously... but he had to reject it to suit the society, to blend in, but the curiosity and will still lived within him and he got seduced to do it. As he quoted, it was only with his own children and not others. A pedophile generally tries they're best to get other children to sexually please him. His son was just the closest option he had without being caught.

My only suggestion is if you REALLY regret it, by your fully heart, just don't be to hard on you self. Forgive your self, as Jesus forgive you (You said) and try to get even with your kids, its never to late. You might have taken they're innocence which they might never forgive for but you did not take not they're life...

Hmm, I only looked at this thread following Ryan's public intercession. I tend not to follow the confessions very closely. What I see is a tragedy. I'll admit that I often feel this forum is too cosy to be very interesting and I have rarely given comfort to people who have written to me privately asking advice about an occasional individual who makes controversial comments. Let's have controversy and let's discuss it.

What I find deeply upsetting though is bullying. I have read this thread through a couple of times and the first salvos were fired by SavedGay. Others expressed surprise, discomfort, shock or asked questions relating to the original post but, SG, your message to princealbertofb was aggressive and completely disproportionate to the comments that apparently prompted them. You are not the only one here who has to live with mental health problems and you are not the only one of us to have done something that has had far-reaching consequences and which we have later come to regret deeply. When one reaches our age we have had plenty of time to make some pretty spectacular errors of judgement.

We have no idea of the circumstances (your mental health notwithstanding) surrounding your decision to do what you did, but there is a reason that laws exist in our societies to protect children from aspects of adult behaviour. We've not always been kind to children and maybe current laws are not nuanced enough, but if they are at fault we have a democratic responsibility to campaign for change. However, living where you do it is unlikely that what you confessed to conformed with an accepted cultural norm. Conversely the prevailing cultural pull was surely to resist any siren call to behave inappropriately and to help a child deal with their emerging curiosities and urges? We all know that some thirteen year-olds can be as horny as hell and I would guess that some psychoses can cause us to put any amount of strange interpretations on the situations in which we sometimes find ourselves, although I am not medically qualified in any way to be able to pretend that any such call could be a valid judgement. There is, as you are probably aware, a body of evidence to suggest that some of the damage to an under-aged person who received sexual attention from an adult may come from the reactions of those around them rather than simply from the act itself. However, there are also untold numbers of people who spend the rest of their lives trying to recover from the damage caused by such encounters. Parents, like priests, teachers, medical professionals and many others are in positions of trust and power. There are some lines that just don't get crossed without severe consequence - a fact of which you seem keenly aware.

Whatever may be offered in mitigation, though, you chose to perform these acts, you chose to bring your confession here, you chose to respond to genuine expressions of shock with anger, swearing and name-calling and, for all your protestations to the contrary I still read that you have come to this community for absolution, although you seem to be calling it acceptance?. If I read you correctly you want us to listen with open minds and hearts. If that's the case you might be better to write your thoughts on a blog within which you have control over the responses than through addressing them to an open discussion forum.

You claim to have found solace in your religious beliefs. Your faith does not need to conflict with what I consider to be my rationality, but you are arguably among the most strident evangelists we have seen here and you deliver your arguments like sermons. I don’t think I shall be alone in feeling that this is not the place for your missionary work, but I (mostly) exercise my right to read or ignore. Quoting bible verses to back up your position is not a convincing route to sway the mind of anyone who sees limited value in the text you are using. If you wish to have any hope of engaging the interest of people like me you will have to meet us with some degree of rationality. Otherwise, you are literally preaching to the converted and your sermons come across merely as attempts to display your scriptural knowledge. If you are seeking to engage a wider audience than an existing core of believers you may as well stop trying. Suggesting that we have chosen to deny some kind of spiritual "truth" that has already been planted in our "hearts" is insulting and does you no favours.

You seem to be a tortured man, and I'm sorry if I have misunderstood you and you are in actuality truly at peace with yourself. You have clearly paid a terrible price for your actions and it seems unlikely that you will ever be completely free of these consequences. It is likely too that there are going to be people, maybe even members of your own family, who feel that you have not suffered enough. Any judgements made here, may be erroneous in your view, but you are not appealing to a constituency of trained professionals, who (by your own account) have already failed you.

You are lashing out at some who might be prepared to give you a sympathetic hearing, but you are the one who seems to be rushing to judgement. If you have something to say, by all means say it, but for God’s sake (excuse my French) give the hectoring and bullying a rest.

Just so you know, this forum isn't the place to get a judgement-free response from people who want the best for you. People on this forum came here for a reason and most have got some serious issues of their own... we all do. Your story obviously hits reeeeeeally close to home for a bunch of people that have replied. By the way, these kinds of super controversial threads always go down like this.. this is nothing new or surprising.

What worries me a bit is your dismissal of the docs' recommendations. I doubt any professional will simply listen to you and not try to take action.. that's part of their job too. You seem to despise the idea of doing some "homework" or going on medication. If you're not yet at ease with yourself, why don't you try it (again)? I'm sure you know this, but other people can't heal you, you have to do the work yourself. The professionals are trained to deal with situations like this. There might be some great info in those books that can help you.

East Wrote:I do think that an attraction to children is much different than an attraction to either men/women or both. The difference is consenting adults. I would never refer to a pedophile as either straight or gay.

OK, I getcha! Confusedmile:

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