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CellarDweller Wrote:I don't know how old you are, but I found a chart that is a height/weight proprotion, based on a 25 year old man.
I am 5'7" and according to that chart, when I was at my heaviest, I was 295, so I was 125 pounds overweight. I've since lost about 80 pounds, and want to lose about 30 m0re. I won't get down to my "ideal" weight, but according to my doctor, I'm 42 now and I shouldn't hurt myself trying to get to an unrealistic weight.
It will take time, but for me, the weight has stayed off, and I'm hoping to reach my goal.
Thats amazing CellarDweller, oh by the way the BMI body chart doesn't really work on the "average" person, it doesnt take into account bone/actual body mass. Some of those nifty electric scales which measure body fat and water are quite good, because its a little more sciency.  mile: Good luck with the weight loss !
Anonymous Wrote:Where is the line between chubby and fat? I am somewhere over 6 feet tall (187.9) and around 275 Pounds (125 kg). I do not know how much bone mass or muscle mass i got but many gets surprised when i tell them about my weigh, i do not know if that is cause they are plainly trying to be nice. I would consider being as round as Homer Simpson when I think about it, maybe thinner or so i don't know.
Be honest please...
But also, any suggestions of diets and exercise that is going to last? I have tried many times to loose weigh but it takes to long time, to damn hard or has given no results.
It all depends how old you are etc, but diets can help alot, but so you dont give in and eat things that are not good for you treat yourself to a small bar of chocolate or even a small bowl of icecream etc once a week.  mile:
Hello there,
I only understand stone and pounds instead of kgs lol... I would say that if your fat you have serious troubles getting out of bed and waddle like a duck when you walk down the street (bit like a collegue of mine who looks like two ducks put together)... Chubbyness is a slight fattening where you can still get around without waddling and its something to cuddle onto lol
Kindest regards
zeon xx
The difference between chubby and fat? I'd say fat implies a stomach that hangs over your groin.
As far as dieting goes, I'd ask your doctor about Optifast. My sister was overweight all through her twenties. She tried Optifast and is now perfectly proportioned.
Well i do not have trouble getting out of the bed. I am not eating that bad, maby fast food twice a month. I might eat 1 candy bar or tops 2 a week or some icecream but that is mostly all. I am neither eating enourmous portion at all, yesterday did i eat 1 sandwish, 1 dounut, 1 health shake, 2 eggs and a half apple totally, and some fussy water (Not soda). I have excersices some this summer, bicycled alot, 1 hour walks in the woods, some gym pases (4 totally, started 2-3 weeks ago) and im still around same amount, i really got hard to drop weigh and i do not understand why...
Anonymous Wrote:... I am not eating that bad , fast food some icecream 1 dounut, 2 eggs .. bicycled alot, 1 hour walks in the woods, some gym pases (4 totally, started 2-3 weeks ago) and im still around same amount, i really got hard to drop weigh and i do not understand why...
exercise really dost have much to do with weight loss. reduce your calorie intake below 1800 calories per day works.
write down for a few days what you eat. tally up your average calorie intake. remove off the list what you can immediatly do with out like...
fast food
ice cream
fat is rode.diffrint of no words .i think peple shoudent say anythings like that it is,make peple very sad.
First off, don't pay any attention to charts. You need to find out what your body fat content is. The Charts don't account for bone mas or muscle.
I've calculated my 0% body fat and it is in the middle of where the charts tell me I should be. In other words, if I followed the charts, I would die of malnutrition (seriously). Fit to average % body fat is between 14% and 24% for men. You can use special scales to calculate your body fat content or you can calculate it through special formulas. I would suggest finding your body fat content to help calculate your fitness level and what your fitness goals should be.
Here is a link to a page on the topic:
For weight loss, what others have been saying is true to some extent Reducing caloric intake helps you lose weight. However, exercise helps you lose fat, but fat loss can be more than made up for with muscle gain. So, while you may be losing fat through exercise, the muscle your building with exercise may make it look like your losing just a small amount of weight or even none at all.
Whether you want to build muscle and how much muscle you want to build should play a part in any health decisions you make. Muscle will also help you burn fat too, which is something you should consider. So, you may want to pursue a health regiment that goes in stages. (E.G. the first part, your goal could be to lose excess weight through increased cardio exercise and reduced caloric intake, the second part could be to concentrates on both losing fat and building muscle through a mixture of cardio and resistance exercise with a low calorie intake, and the last could focus on muscle building and/or definition through increasing resistance exercise and increasing your protein and caloric intake.) Keep in mind that, from what you have said, you will likely never look like one of those skinny twinks. You'll probably always be a burly guy, just as I am, but you can be healthy and look good.
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Exercise is key buddy eating is one thing, but being active is another  mile:
fat dosnt glom onto your body if you sit in one place too long.
really its what you eat and how much. fat peeps should eat less.