Aester Wrote:I do not feel so moody, I mostly feel down and stressed out, but I got to keep my head up high and never look down in front of others, never to let your guard down, but captured and controlled, not worth to express my opinion cause of all the drama. I am not so surrounded by others, I had kept my self pretty isolated i would say, siting in the basement and just letting the time passing by meanwhile my father complains that I never get a job and ''Living my life''. I hate being in crowded areas like downtown, i always feel VERY uncomfortable being in the center. It depends how you would feel ''above it all'', cause I do not feel higher in rank compare to others, but the only thing I wish for lately is move away, being far away from here, away from the people of this dump, if that means ''Being far high over all and not with them''. I do not like living at my fathers any more since it feels like everything I do never feel enough and always get judged on, but I can not move to my mother since I know he will take it the wrong way and be heartbroken cause he will think that I do not love him, like when my brother moved to my mother, but I do not want to move out into an apartment in my city since I am so confused what i want to work with and what I want of life and I only fear to be chained to this pitt hole, but where else do I not know and it bugs me.
Ok Aester, remember I'm not expert, I just do this for fun.
The next couple days get pretty busy for me so I don't know how much time I'll be able to contribute here, but maybe now is a good time for a break anyway. I think we BOTH might need a couple sleep cycles to work on this. Let's see if the dream comes again and if so what new symbols will it offer?
All that said, I do think we're making a little progress. The big things that I'm hearing is frustration with your weight, discomfort being around others and in the center of everything, feeling trapped living with you father and lack of clarity about where to go next.
The other thing you need to remember is that I CAN'T tell you what the symbols mean. I can only give you ideas. For example, the eagle. I suggested maybe it's like you're spirit soaring high and then swooping down. But you disagree with that comparison as you said you mostly feel depressed. Ok, but I forgot you mentioned it was like a boomerang--always coming back to where it started. So maybe THAT is more the *spirit* of the eagle symbol. It WANTS to fly away but always comes back...
I'm pretty sure the eagle is a symbol of your spirit, the question is, what is it trying to say? You have been helping a lot by being so good about answering my questions and providing extra information. I think over time, especially if you have this dream a few more times we can narrow it down.
I hope this is helpful to you.
Sil Wrote:The other night I had a dream I was in an open-plan art gallery being hugged by a giant 8ft Harrison Ford... :eek: figure that one out...
made me laugh when I woke up! don't even really like the guy, no crushes involved. Just made me realise why dreams are awesome sometimes...
Did you buy one of his paintings?
I've been dreaming like mad lately, but most of it has been fragmentary and I'm not sure I could describe any of them in large enough pieces to make any sense. Even had one "nightmare" last night which was realistic enough to be a relief when I woke up and realized it was just a dream. The problem with that nightmare is that I consider it to be one of those "recurring themes" that I have every now and then. The recurring theme of these dreams is my unbridled ANGER at my mother (who I'm not angry with in real life). I just simply UNLEASH all my rage at her in various dreams...
Anyway, today, as I'm suffering from a bit of jet lag I took a mid-day nap and experienced a couple more dreams. One was another fragment, something about walking along a path and coming across a severed pigs head...
The other dream was pretty cohesive and I'd like to share it. I'm open to any feedback and if there's none, no loss, I still expect the dream to crystallize after I take the time to write it out. Here it is:
I'm in a hotel room organizing some material that's been scattered about when there's a knock at the door. Actually it's more than a knock, it sounds like someone is trying to get in. As I approach the door, in fact, it comes slightly ajar with sounds of someone simultaneously trying to get my attention and their struggles with the door and something else pushing against the door.
Just as I'm about to open the door a HUGE bouquet of pink roses passes through the door. It's so huge it would be impossible to hold in one hand. It's as large a person and is actually hiding the person behind it.
I'm immediately under the impression this is a mistaken delivery and I try to refuse it insisting I'm not expecting these and please take them back and find the rightful owner, but there's so much noise and struggling with this bouquet the person either doesn't hear me or is ignoring me and seems to "escape" down the hall to the left.
Even though this enormous bouquet is as large as a person I take it in one hand and step into the hall in order to pursue the deliverer, but I don't want the door to close and latch behind me, I don't have a key back in. So I'm standing with my right foot in the hall, with the bouquet in my right hand and my left foot and left hand are propping the door open slightly so I can get back in. The whole time I'm shouting, "Miss! Miss! Miss!" trying to get the attention of the woman who I sensed made the delivery. As I'm shouting trying to get her attention I'm looking through the massive amounts of flowers and petals for a card to hopefully find the name of who these flowers really belong to. It's useless, I can't find a card so I start to shout more forcefully, more assertive and I'm a little uncomfortable with the level of my voice in the hall, (MISS! MISS!).
I look to the right and there's one person in the hall ignoring me. Down the hall to the left there is actually a vine of some sort growing up the wall and spread out into the hall so as to actually obscure my line of sight farther down, but I can just barely make out the shape of a woman, clearly within earshot, but walking purposefully AWAY from me and my voice. There are others in the hall who just ignore me.
I give up and retreat back into my room.
The dream has not popped once more. Strangely i had a new dream the other day, Since you are so good and instrested i think i shall share it. Think its a nightmare since I didn't feel pleasant afterwards or during.
I am walking in the center of downtown, there is huge masses but suddenly a green troll/orc/hulk or whatever walks past, as she looked so strange i couldn't help to stare but no one else staring but me. And she noticed that to and started shouting and running towards me, as i try to run from the masses it seems that i can run past them, just like if they all were a hologram or ghosts. She just keeps chasing and shouting madly... it went on for minutes and i didn't even got exhausted out of it. Yet no one was helping or doing any, 1000 of people was passing by but they were just as ghosts, they were there but there was no mass. Downtown was neither stopping, it was just going and going and going and going.
Could this dream might have a link to the other dream?
Aester Wrote:The dream has not popped once more. Strangely i had a new dream the other day, Since you are so good and instrested i think i shall share it. Think its a nightmare since I didn't feel pleasant afterwards or during.
I am walking in the center of downtown, there is huge masses but suddenly a green troll/orc/hulk or whatever walks past, as she looked so strange i couldn't help to stare but no one else staring but me. And she noticed that to and started shouting and running towards me, as i try to run from the masses it seems that i can run past them, just like if they all were a hologram or ghosts. She just keeps chasing and shouting madly... it went on for minutes and i didn't even got exhausted out of it. Yet no one was helping or doing any, 1000 of people was passing by but they were just as ghosts, they were there but there was no mass. Downtown was neither stopping, it was just going and going and going and going.
Could this dream might have a link to the other dream?
Hi Aester, very interesting that you haven't dreamt the "mountain dream" again. And thanks for sharing your new dream.
Do I think they're linked? I don't think so, because they're a little different.
For example, in the "mountain dream" you're alone and above it all. In the "hulk" dream, you're down in the city, amidst the whole population it seems.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have more difficulty with this dream, but I'd like you to consider one thing I mentioned in my very first post in this thread: the idea of the "shadow self".
That is to say, sometimes (some experts might say ALL THE TIME) we appear in our dreams as other characters. This sort of buys into the idea that the subconscious mind is pretty focused on ITSELF. In other words, YOU are your favorite subject when it comes to dreaming.
Also, there's the idea of "duality", where your "feminine half" may appear in your dream as a woman.
This is sort of what I'm thinking about my "bouquet dream" right now (if you happened to read that one). I suspect, that the woman who delivered the bouquet of pink roses to me was my "feminine self"...
I'm not sure at this point...
But along those same lines, you might want to consider that the green female monster that is chasing and shouting at you *MIGHT* be a slice of your subconscious "self". Some aspect of your own personality that is giving you a bad time.
What do you think?
this is from a number of years ago, and is one i remember well ... (I think this might have been one of the reasons i got into stuff like dreams-control / lucid dreams / etc)
I used to get this one recurring 'nightmare' (could also be considered a false-awakening) every so often..It always went something like this:
I'm in bed sleeping, its morning getting near time to get up. I "wake up", There is this one light on the ceiling, it turns on (that alone, no big deal) ...but there's something wrong with it, its not working right. It starts buzzing (quietly at first) sorta flickering... it continues to get brighter and louder... I 'know' its going to explode so I try to hide from the brightness & sound by pulling the sheets/blanket over my head (doesn't really help).
Just before it explodes I wake up for real.
As stupid as it sounds that one always used to scare the crap out of me (in that weird way dreams do when you're sleeping)
I always hated having this dream...And actually got to the point where I considered removing that particular light (it really exists, I almost never use it...the only reason I originally put it there is for when the power goes out - that is also why i kept it LOL)
So eventually after I learned more about dreams in general, and stuff like being able to control dreams, and lucid dreams (probably a couple years after the first on that 'light dream')...
One night I had this:
Same damn dream... I'm in bed, the light starts doing its thing, I try to hide as always.... then I realize "I'm not awake, I'm asleep and this is a dream" so i say to the dream/light something along the line of: oh no you don't, this is my dream. At that point the light thing was done! Talk about an awesome feeling that gave I got out of bed and decided since its a dream I can fly...which is exactly what I did - flew down the hall & through the house. I decided to go outside and flew through a window (at the time I 'knew' I couldn't go through walls). Outside -- instead of a neighborhood and the dead brown landscape of winter, there's a lush green forrest (but leafed trees, not pines) and colors of everything are much better/more-vivid than in real life. The hills and stuff are similar to whats really there.
All I can say is what started as a hated nightmare ended up being one of the most awesome dreams ever (It was also the first time i had a full-on lucid dream)
That also killed that particular recurring/nightmare .. and now I know I can do it again if I ever need too LOL
I woke up that morning feeling great (but slightly tired LOL)
It doesn't happen too often (supposedly some people can though), but becoming lucid in a dream and/or simply being able to control things is awesome/fun ... especially when it comes to nightmares. I did get reasonably ok at it back then.
There is no way I can explain how it makes you feel down inside .. and as far as anything I've felt in real life there's nothing that beats it 
Ive had dreams where people ive never seen before visited me. One night i had a dream that i was sitting on the floor with my back against the couch. When i looked up there was a woman in white walking towards me. I had never seen the woman before, but for some odd reason i felt terribly afraid of her. I tried to move, but i couldnt. It was like my body was frozen in place. I tried to scream but nothing escaped my lips. Before i knew it i was screaming at the top of my lungs and sitting up on the couch. Ive had quite a few dreams like that, but with different people in different places. It all started one night when i decided to tell no one in particular to come visit me that night if they wanted to communicate. Well, I was visited that night in my dreams by someone. Someone who terrified me. I still get dreams like that once in a while. I just had one about a couple of weeks ago. I wonder what it all means.
72jay Wrote:
this is from a number of years ago, and is one i remember well ... (I think this might have been one of the reasons i got into stuff like dreams-control / lucid dreams / etc)
I used to get this one recurring 'nightmare' (could also be considered a false-awakening) every so often..It always went something like this:
I'm in bed sleeping, its morning getting near time to get up. I "wake up", There is this one light on the ceiling, it turns on (that alone, no big deal) ...but there's something wrong with it, its not working right. It starts buzzing (quietly at first) sorta flickering... it continues to get brighter and louder... I 'know' its going to explode so I try to hide from the brightness & sound by pulling the sheets/blanket over my head (doesn't really help).
Just before it explodes I wake up for real.
As stupid as it sounds that one always used to scare the crap out of me (in that weird way dreams do when you're sleeping)
I always hated having this dream...And actually got to the point where I considered removing that particular light (it really exists, I almost never use it...the only reason I originally put it there is for when the power goes out - that is also why i kept it LOL)
So eventually after I learned more about dreams in general, and stuff like being able to control dreams, and lucid dreams (probably a couple years after the first on that 'light dream')...
One night I had this:
Same damn dream... I'm in bed, the light starts doing its thing, I try to hide as always.... then I realize "I'm not awake, I'm asleep and this is a dream" so i say to the dream/light something along the line of: oh no you don't, this is my dream. At that point the light thing was done! Talk about an awesome feeling that gave I got out of bed and decided since its a dream I can fly...which is exactly what I did - flew down the hall & through the house. I decided to go outside and flew through a window (at the time I 'knew' I couldn't go through walls). Outside -- instead of a neighborhood and the dead brown landscape of winter, there's a lush green forrest (but leafed trees, not pines) and colors of everything are much better/more-vivid than in real life. The hills and stuff are similar to whats really there.
All I can say is what started as a hated nightmare ended up being one of the most awesome dreams ever (It was also the first time i had a full-on lucid dream)
That also killed that particular recurring/nightmare .. and now I know I can do it again if I ever need too LOL
I woke up that morning feeling great (but slightly tired LOL)
It doesn't happen too often (supposedly some people can though), but becoming lucid in a dream and/or simply being able to control things is awesome/fun ... especially when it comes to nightmares. I did get reasonably ok at it back then.
There is no way I can explain how it makes you feel down inside .. and as far as anything I've felt in real life there's nothing that beats it 
Wow, awesome, thanks for sharing.
I think I've had two half-assed lucid dreams in my life. I say half-assed because I didn't feel fully lucid, just sort of like, "am I dreaming or not? I think I am." But no real sense of control.
What are your ideas about the significance of these dreams? I love the part where you fly through windows. That's some powerful stuff right there.
SleepTalker Wrote:Ive had dreams where people ive never seen before visited me. One night i had a dream that i was sitting on the floor with my back against the couch. When i looked up there was a woman in white walking towards me. I had never seen the woman before, but for some odd reason i felt terribly afraid of her. I tried to move, but i couldnt. It was like my body was frozen in place. I tried to scream but nothing escaped my lips. Before i knew it i was screaming at the top of my lungs and sitting up on the couch. Ive had quite a few dreams like that, but with different people in different places. It all started one night when i decided to tell no one in particular to come visit me that night if they wanted to communicate. Well, I was visited that night in my dreams by someone. Someone who terrified me. I still get dreams like that once in a while. I just had one about a couple of weeks ago. I wonder what it all means.
Interesting, thanks for sharing your dream. Like I said in my first post in this thread, I'm not really into the metaphysical aspect of dreaming. For example, sometimes I dream of my dead grandparents. In one dream, I thanked them before I got into a car a rode away. I don't really think I was "visited" by the spirits of my dead grandparents, but I do think my dream was an "expression" of my gratitude towards them and since I often do feel like I miss them in real life, I believe my dreams are just my unconscious mind processing those feelings of loss--of missing them.
That said...
I'd be interested to read more about who and WHY you asked these people to visit you in your dreams. Whatever you wanna share is cool with me.