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A new dream thread.
Hey LB, I'm sharing this just because I thought you'd like it:


On a Wednesday, May 3rd, 2005 if I recorded it right, I dreamed a force that tingled attatched itself to my back as I was in bed going back to sleep and it shrouded me. I tried communicating with it and then I was in a dream. I had wild, gnarly psychokinetic abilities to the point that I was even able to run on the ceiling. My features became more appealing and I later was able to shapeshift as I desired.

Then I found myself in an area ("plane of existence") of others like myself. Some were very young like me, others were hundreds or thousands of years old. Some were "older than this cosmos." In retrospect, I would say they were angels, though for the most part, they mostly looked human.

But I was somehow unique in that I could see through Time, including the future probabilities and how to best navigate them. This allowed me to alert other angels to a trap. This was set up by what might be called "the devil" though the creature reminded me more of Kali.

After that incident with the trap, I met "God." He was like the most powerful angel of all, but he was not omniscient or omnipotent. God demanded predictability in order to best detect the location and intents of the Evil One. But even God had to acknowledge that this predictability created an inanity that wore down all of Creation (including himself) and prevented as much good as it prevented evil--in a sense that good and evil remain in balance for all of God's interference. And because of my unique ability that he could not predict, he stripped me of my angelic status (that he did not give to me anyway--we were "randomly chosen") and sent me back.

Back in my room, there was a handprint on the wall that I had touched (or so I recalled at this time) to become angelic. Feeling it was important, I touched it again. Then one of the angels I met appeared and slapped me around. "Next time I put you in the hospital," he said. I knew he wasn't lying.

I replied, "Either I'm being tested or God is afraid and limited for him to send you to guard against me." The angel simply vanished without comment or even acknowledgement that I had spoken.

I knew touching the handprint was doomed to failure, so I thought about it, trying to attune to that force that had coursed through me. I realized that the force was trying to touch me not the other way around--and that one thing I had learned is that I was pure thought. So I THOUGHT my way to that power without physically touching it and made it. I instantly escaped before the wrath of God and his angels became manifest.

I came to realize, thanks to my ability to pierce Time with Sight, that the Evil One (EO) was searching for some artifacts, and I went to an area that I foresaw as giving the EO the tools that it would finally defeat God. This was a site in an arid region somewhere between Arizona/New Mexico and the Yucatan (I don't recall for sure).

I found a guy there already searching the ruins and with my abilities (Sight, PK, etc), I helped to unearth many of the artifacts which included a bunch of swords, a chalice, a light crown with a red gem on it, and a whip.

As I handled them from the cache, I knew that the EO was coming and I yelled at the mortals to run. I don't think they made it. I quickly put on the crown and took up the biggest, most powerful sword in one hand and a whip in the other. A human couldn't access the powers within them, but I could. But as I did, I sensed God feel me handling them and knew God was coming, too.

We were all removed from time and space into an odd pseudo area. The EO picked up the rest of the items in the cache and the items crumbled into dust--and I sensed the EO fed off of them, growing more powerful. Then the EO looked at me and my items hungrily. I faught him as he attacked but It was too fast and strong and powerful.

But in trying to use my Sight, I noticed that the EO and I were both "illusionary projections" of forces at work elsewhere. This allowed me to survive mortal blows because "the blows never landed" and prevented a biofeedback loop that killed me. In a way it was like I was Neo in The Matrix movies, but it was more than that.

Then God and his angels were there and I gladly retreated.

But then the EO did something none of us expected--it killed God and the cosmos was engulfed in darkness, terror, and pain. Like the other angels, I shrieked in agony as I felt our very essence being ripped out and devoured by the EO. Seeing what the EO was doing, I pulled back at ITS essence and then found myself in the same arena that God and the EO had faught. There, God was not fully dead, but close, and I pulled on God using myself and my artifacts to do so, as I contested the wounded EO who was trying to do the same.

In the end, it was only my ability to see and navigate the future (which had grown exponentially) that allowed me to prevail. And that I drained the artifacts I still held and put in a power that "intoxicates" those who called on them instead to prevent them from instantly turning to ash. Then I dropped all items, as if I hoped the wounded EO would go for them and allow me a headstart in running.

The EO first ran to the items and drank in their power, and then I counterattacked, finally finishing him off and draining him. Then I had all the powers of God and the EO and was essentially the new guardian/keeper of the cosmos.

I came to realize that the Cosmos had chosen me to remove the hindrance on its growth and actualization. God had gone too far, and God was not the creator, just the guardian--and a rogue one. Because God refused to acknowledge certain aspects of himself, his mind splintered creating the Evil One and the entity almost as powerful and undefeatable because God could not face that the Evil One was him.

So the Cosmos had chosen me to fight them both (being one entity) and liberate the cosmos from its/their grasp. To fully restore balance, chaos and chance had to have a moment to allow new births and thus new growth. This is why the cosmos chose me and what it now tasked me with.

The other angels were in despair and wanted me to repair the artifacts, thus creating a more balanced view (in order to achieve their cooperation in the beginning, God had to make certain concessions, such as giving over some of his power to the angels and artifacts, in order to secure their cooperation--which God needed to maintain order as he was neither omniscient nor omnipotent).

I made new artifacts instead, though, which still accomplished the purpose. Rather than crowns and weapons and instruments of punishment, I crafted them out of models and pix of serene natural vistas, glowing stars that circled the entity using them, and a globe that looked like whatever phase the moon was in. I also reinvested in the angels, restoring them to their previoius levels. (It's true that many had been randomly chosen, but the EO had drained them, so I had their power within Me.)

I was still far more powerful than I imagined I could be and I saw the future--and it was beautiful. I saw the most beautiful wilderness, including on other worlds (some of them colonized by humans), with a wild galactic community that was exciting and beautiful.

I also sensed that I, too, would one day fall, and to help keep the last mistake from being made, I saught greater forces that I knew existed out there somewhere with the intent on making EVERYONE a god--mortal, angel, etc. Everyone, every species, every spirit. I knew this would spawn new cosmoses (and wouldn't always be pretty) and would prevent the enslavement of the cosmos as the last God had done.

In short, I would give birth to a constant Change that would ensure the maximum growth, birth, and actualization that had always been desired but had been unfortunately stifled in the last few billion years or so (knowing the time is more meaningless in the dream--I'm just approximating the "understanding" I had).

I felt a sense of accomplishment and ecstasy as I went about the biz of being God/dess (I transcended sex/gender in everyway) in a comsos of beauty. I woke up feeling wonderful and in a really good, hopeful mood.


I was hoping my dreams were going to continue being awesome for awhile but the very next night I dreamed I was back in high school and couldn't escape (at one point I even took off my shirt hoping to get expelled, didn't work). I hate those dreams. But ah well, the dream I shared was one of the more awesome ones.

Wait, if I can find it I'll be back with one of the most intriguing dreams I ever had where I was a barbarian warlord about to abduct myself (that is, who I really am)! :eek: Roflmao

Wow, incredible dream.

You have an ability to recall your dreams in extraordinary detail.


I also noticed most of your dreams feature really classic archetypes. Also, there's usually battle and the effort to warn others like you.

Ok, here's one of the weirdest (in a non-surrealist sense) dream I ever had, especially by the time I got to the end. I was this barbaric warlord (and male) that had more testosterone than all the wrestling shows, Resident Evil, and all Van Diesel flicks combined. And no, I don't think it's a past life memory, it was probably more of my Shadow Animus working to achieve individuation in a world where I struggled between very small (and thus unnoticed & unharmed) or get things I wanted. Both my mother and father aspects have been damaged in my growing up and I had a hard time assimilating many of these aspects of my personality into my being as a result (or that's my theory). This dream was probably (if anything) just my Shadow Animus (Shadow Father) attempting to assert itself in my subconscious.

Even so, measuring who I am (from a barbaric warlord's perspective) like an animal in a meat market WAS quite surreal in its own way.

Anyway, on November 5, 2005:

It started off in the far ancient world, possibly even prehistory. There was this odd race between humanity and wolves, where wolves came close to knocking humanity out. Then there were werewolves.

And then it was the ancient world. I was this weird petty lord that extracted pillage (er, tax) from many small communities. Then I was invited by the chief elder of this Bai family to have a meal. It was incredible, but I didn't show any thanks, as I wanted it clear that I could just TAKE it if I chose. My rudeness wasn't pointed out and several offers were hinted at towards me.

He finally mentions that the Hans who normally "protected" the village were so far away and he'd rather have our "protection." He wanted to formally annex his community to our kingdom. I considered this. This WOULD make my realm a bit larger, which appealed to my ego. This would also give me a larger pool for recruits and such. These Bai gained in that I wouldn't take so much after all, they need more food to work, to give birth, and raise strong children to be more child bearers and warriors. Thus, I would pillage less. Being closer, I would be more inclined to protect them anyway (a matter of pride and defending one's herd rather than feeling any obligation to such people).

But I WOULD be challenging the Han community, which had a large army. But if I didn't, then I knew the elders would plead to the Hans for protection, saying they couldn't pay their tribute when we took it all. So either way, I was likely looking at a fight.

The elder was crafty and politically savvy. He knew how to make his offers and threats in a way that was deferential. I briefly thought of killing him, but decided I liked him. He was old and had no ambitions, other than easing the burden on his people. I accepted his offer, and let the Hans beware! I made plans then to see if some of the other communities I pillaged would be amiable to a similar offer.

And then I had to protect the village from Victorian England. It's odd how that happened, and it's hard to explain. As I traveled (still a barbarian warlord) with my armies to assess their threat potential, the world slowly came to the 21st century.

And then I came across the woman who I really am in waking life and she (I) was gettin in an elevator. I knew a lot about her without caring how I knew, though many details were closed to me. I had a general understanding of her capabilities and thoughts. I judged her appearance a bit harshly, REAL women were fuller and rounder so better able to give & survive birth, I thought critically. She looked as if she hadn't eaten enough in her youth, a sign of poor breeding, poverty, and weakness (as the strong simply took as I did), not one to mix in with true nobility such as myself.

But she had an exotic air about her, good muscle tone and even martial ability. Her skin was fair enough (showing she wasn't forced to work in the sun and thus a sign of nobility) to pass for one fit for a rising warlord such as myself. Her social skills would allow her to handle the many variety of situations she would find herself in at my side, from the diplomatic to dealing with the occasional siege or raid.

What particularly intrigued me was her mind, one that seemed less starved in youth than her body for some reason. Her strength of will and spirit appealed to me. She had craft and cunning that many folk of either gender do not possess. True, she had some outlandish ideas that defied description (feminism, cooperative anarchism, etc) that were totally alien to my worldview. Perhaps she had been touched by some dementia or god or demon.

But what she willed did not matter, only that she would obey my will. Any son sired from my loins would have better sense than the foolish female. A son with my sensibilities and her cunning and will and spirit could become a great leader that would lead to my immortality in establishing my kingdom forever in the hearts and minds of men, if not in actual permanence. I decided I would have her to birth a TRUE son, one who could think as well as fight. One who would be my true heir!

But how? The traits about her that I desired for my son and heir would make attaining her difficult. I could defeat her in combat, I could rape her, but I could not really imprison her. I knew she had some fighting skills and that she learned adaptability in her own life. She'd find a way to escape, and she wouldn't stop until she had. I could starve her and drug her, true, but that could hurt my son while he is in her womb. I needed her healthy to carry my son to term. And that meant she would be fit to escape me, perhaps even kill me in my sleep. And it just does not do to have other important persons to see women refusing you and even escaping you. The shame of either would be unbearable and would embolden my enemies. So I had to find a reason to make her desire to stay.

But what reason? She might respect my prowess as a warrior and a commander, but that wouldn't engender loyalty or desire. Showering her with spoils probably wouldn't work because in this strange future world even many of the lower classes here had things that our most renown leaders and warlords wouldn't even be able to imagine for themselves. (I knew she preferred women but her desires did not matter to me, they weren't as real or important as my own.)

And then it hit me: I'd become the father she never had! I smiled as I knew this was where to apply the sword to the Gordian knot. I'd show her my strength, but in protecting her as well as providing for her, and she would become grateful. If I could spirit her away, convince her that it was fate and not kidnapping, then I could separate her from all she knew. She would be particularly grateful for a protector then. She would eagerly learn all the skills I would be willing to teach her, and might even make a decent scout or spy, as well as diplomat as she proved her eligibility to bear my true heir.

And eventually, when she softened and leaned on me as she would have to do in my harsh world, I'd seduce her completely. It wouldn't be rape, and I would probably have to postpone many planned campaigns for another year (and justify those that couldn't be postponed as "freedom fighting" and "defense of the hearth") but I would sire my true heir. And then she would be mine.

Once I was sure she had my son and not a daughter (though girls had bargaining value, too) I could mostly forget her then, attending to women of a more pleasing and noble appearance and presentation, and she could do the same for all I cared, as long as I had my male heir.

She wouldn't abandon the son she imagined as hers, and would use all her skills (and some new ones I would have her learn) to protect my son. She'd defy the largest emperors, and do so cleverly, if she must. In the unlikely event I was defeated and killed prematurely, she would take him into hiding rather than allow him to be assassinated, teach him everything, and he would later rise with my name and avenge me and take over. I know he would. That's what any son of mine would do. Especially a son of mine with her cunning and spirit. And she'd never turn against him, and he would never allow himself to be ruled by a woman, not even his mother.

Yes. She would have the honor of bearing my true heir. Now to convince her I'm someone she wants to know.

Striding towards her confidently, but avoiding any movements that would suggest an aggression that would cause her to raise her guard around me and seek escape, I smiled. But before she got a good view of me, a monstrous woman appeared and moved to attack her. I was in luck! I would defend her from this demon and she'd be grateful!

The demon, despite being a woman, was truly a terror. What demons this girl had afflicting her. I began to wonder if she was worth it. And then I steeled my resolve. I would NOT be denied. And then I imagined that these demons were guarding her from me then surely she must be even more valuable than I thought if someone would guard her so. With a primal yell, I renewed my furious attack on the demonic hag.


And I woke up. Whoa, I thought, what a mind job. I'll never be able to hear someone say, "I wish he cared more for my mind" in the same way again. :p

And one day he's definitely going in one of my stories, scifi or otherwise. Heh. He wants to bag ME? It's him whose getting bagged. Wink

Quote:"Let's bag him." --Bill and Ted's Awesome Adventure

Quote:"Want a twinkie, Ghengis Khan?"--ibid

Thanks LateBloomer! That was a really lovely analysis! Please don't feel obligated to respond quickly! XD it You're such a generous person already to analyse people's dreams :3

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