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Occupy Wall St---I warned you, didn't I?
cloud999 Wrote:You do realize that individuals who make more than $50k/year are in the top 1% of the richest individuals in the world? Most Americans don't realize just how incredibly rich we really are........

.........I'm curious...how long have you lived in the Midwestern and Southern regions you condemn? We're holding you back from your destiny, all right. We're holding you from the brink of collapse.

What are you smoking? You do not even understand the framework of the question. When we talk about the 1%, we are talking in America, not on the planet. The fact that other countries have jumped on our 1% bandwagon does not redefine the stats. We are talking Rockefeller, Kennedy, Cabot, Murdock, or Koch Brothers money to play the 1% game. There are fewer than 500,000 American who play in the 1% game.

You need to prove that people making $50K a year in the 1%. Since I already Googled it, I know you are misinformed. Please document your statements about the 1%. Give us a link to support your position. Roflmao

Somehow I suspect you are one of those hit and run posters we will not see again in this thread.

As far as the map. Forget it. It is over your head. Suffice it to say the fundamentalist holy rollers in your Bible belt are enough to make any thinking person dis-associate from midwestern and southern United States attitudes. I am tired of being laughed at by Europeans I do business because of crackpots from your region. Like the moron who burned the Koran. Putting up ignorant psychos like Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Herman Cain for POTUS is pure stupidity to the rest of the world. I am tired of apologizing for Homeland ignorance.

When you admit that you are GLBT, and in the Tea Party you shoot yourself in the foot, and win all my argument for me. The teabaggers want to hang you, and I am inclined to buy them the rope.

I've known people in the Tea Party that I've sympathized with, but they were in it when it was still mostly ignored, just as OWS was ignored for awhile, but it changed about the first week of July 2009. I remember it well because I'd been invited to go by a Libertarian friend of mine who just wanted me to check it out but I ended up not going because I got swine flu, and I remember the date because of that.

He said it was just as well as several new people showed up and the newbies outnumbered the regulars. They said they showed up because Glenn Beck on FOX told them to and told them that the Tea Party stood for other things than it did (basically Glenn Beck subverted the Tea Party with his zombies, though it wasn't instantaneous). He said they had different goals but most regulars were just happy for the support (and happy to become a power to be reckoned with which they hadn't been until then) and decided adopt the new goals as long as theirs were supported as well (which they did at first but then the FOX agenda eclipsed the original agenda until finally people at Tea Party rallies were CHEERING when Sarah Palin talked about more funding to the military and border patrol--for those who don't know the ORIGINAL Tea Party was against taxation, TEA = Taxed Enough Already).

And he said one of the Beck zombies gave an impassioned speech about the "gay agenda" and why they had to fight it which the newbies all supported, as did at least a few of the regulars. He apologized to me for that (he knows I'm a lesbian) but I told him that wasn't his fault. He left the Tea Party later on. I've lost contact with him over a year ago (I stopped going to the shooting range where we often met and have moved so I'm just not in his area anymore), but I bet he would back what this former Tea Party member has to say to the OWS movement and warning them not to let the same thing that happened to the Tea Party happen to them next:


WesHollywood Wrote:What are you smoking? You do not even understand the framework of the question. When we talk about the 1%, we are talking in America, not on the planet. The fact that other countries have jumped on our 1% bandwagon does not redefine the stats. We are talking Rockefeller, Kennedy, Cabot, Murdock, or Koch Brothers money to play the 1% game. There are fewer than 500,000 American who play in the 1% game.
So it's really about rich Republican donors then? Do rich people who donate to liberal causes get a pass on being targeted? How much do we need to donate to Obama's 2012 campaign to be a part of the 99%?

WesHollywood Wrote:You need to prove that people making $50K a year in the 1%. Since I already Googled it, I know you are misinformed. Please document your statements about the 1%. Give us a link to support your position. Roflmao

Americans complaining about other Americans is truthfully the rich complaining about other rich people. America has less than 5% of the world population, yet we earn 24% of the world's income (I posted this in another thread, if you'll remember). I'd like to see the OWS Spokes Council donate the $500k it raised in donations to helping AIDS orphans in Africa....but it won't happen. They'd rather spend it in political campaigns inside the richest country in the world.

WesHollywood Wrote:As far as the map. Forget it. It is over your head. Suffice it to say the fundamentalist holy rollers in your Bible belt are enough to make any thinking person dis-associate from midwestern and southern United States attitudes. I am tired of being laughed at by Europeans I do business because of crackpots from your region. Like the moron who burned the Koran. Putting up ignorant psychos like Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Herman Cain for POTUS is pure stupidity to the rest of the world. I am tired of apologizing for Homeland ignorance.
Your map seems to have been drawn by a couple of stoned poli-sci students. Your stereotyping of "flyover country" tells me you've never left your leftist enclave in California, and your ideas of how we live in the "Homeland" are formed entirely by television.

I assure you, however, that the feeling is mutual. Even the Democrats here wish California would fall into the sea. Your leaders are so fiscally inept they would run a lemonade stand into the ground, your justice system so impotent that prisoners are running free, and your culture so consumerist you need to make at least $100k to enjoy the amenities of a middle-class midwestern lifestyle. And if demographic changes hold, in a few decades a majority illegal alien population will declare California a territory of Mexico (/sarcasm).

The only things going for Cali anymore are your beautiful weather and large asian population (SF Chinatown rocks).

WesHollywood Wrote:When you admit that you are GLBT, and in the Tea Party you shoot yourself in the foot, and win all my argument for me. The teabaggers want to hang you, and I am inclined to buy them the rope.
That's funny...because the Tea Parties I've attended openly welcome minorities, including gays. You wouldn't know that hiding in your leftist enclave, though. It might shock you, but the area between LA and NYC isn't filled with 100 million Fred Phelps waiting to lynch you.

I see old lesbian couples holding hands while walking down my street here in "fundamentalist hicksville." One of the leather clubs a short drive down the street is celebrating its 41st anniversary. And while I live in the city, one of the more upscale suburbs twenty minutes west of here is a well-known gay village...lots of ass to be had everywhere.

Of course, you wouldn't know any of this, as your knowledge of the Midwest comes from MSNBC.

cloud999 Wrote:So it's really about rich Republican donors then? Do rich people who donate to liberal causes get a pass on being targeted? How much do we need to donate to Obama's 2012 campaign to be a part of the 99%?..........

........Of course, you wouldn't know any of this, as your knowledge of the Midwest comes from MSNBC.

Your posting has become irritating. You have been told[B] twice that the 99%ers is based upon U. S. statistics not global.[/B] Stop wasting my internet time, Nouveau.

Nouveau riche - The term can also be used in a derogatory fashion, for the purposes of social class distinction, to describe persons with newfound wealth as vulgar - lacking the experience or value system to utilize wealth in the same manner as old money - persons from families who have been wealthy for multiple generations.

Pix Wrote:I've known people in the Tea Party that I've sympathized with, but they were in it when it was still mostly ignored, just as OWS was ignored for awhile, but it changed about the first week of July 2009. I remember it well because I'd been invited to go by a Libertarian friend of mine who just wanted me to check it out but I ended up not going because I got swine flu, and I remember the date because of that.

He said it was just as well as several new people showed up and the newbies outnumbered the regulars. They said they showed up because Glenn Beck on FOX told them to and told them that the Tea Party stood for other things than it did (basically Glenn Beck subverted the Tea Party with his zombies, though it wasn't instantaneous). He said they had different goals but most regulars were just happy for the support (and happy to become a power to be reckoned with which they hadn't been until then) and decided adopt the new goals as long as theirs were supported as well (which they did at first but then the FOX agenda eclipsed the original agenda until finally people at Tea Party rallies were CHEERING when Sarah Palin talked about more funding to the military and border patrol--for those who don't know the ORIGINAL Tea Party was against taxation, TEA = Taxed Enough Already).

And he said one of the Beck zombies gave an impassioned speech about the "gay agenda" and why they had to fight it which the newbies all supported, as did at least a few of the regulars. He apologized to me for that (he knows I'm a lesbian) but I told him that wasn't his fault. He left the Tea Party later on. I've lost contact with him over a year ago (I stopped going to the shooting range where we often met and have moved so I'm just not in his area anymore), but I bet he would back what this former Tea Party member has to say to the OWS movement and warning them not to let the same thing that happened to the Tea Party happen to them next:


It is generally known politically that the Tea Party was a fake grassroots concoction of former Congressman Dick Armey, the Kock brothers, and Fox News. In the beginning they had some interesting ideas on taxation, unfortunately they became labeled as bigots and lost their purpose. (I swear I never heard a word from them about cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid when they were running for office). :eek:

The thing about the 99%ers is they have read the Teabagger play book, and are waltzing through where the Tea Party failed.

First, the 99%ers went global in a matter of weeks, the Tea Party does not spread outside the United States due to the 'bigot' label.

Second, the 99%ers have been smart enough not to define their message. (Teabaggers blew this part). All anyone really knows is 99%ers are angry that the government and the economy are not working. They also feel no one was brought to justice for the Wall Street Bail Out. And, they endorse capitalism. Actually as their goal is to attract 99% of the U. S. citizenry, not much more needs to be said.

Third, the Tea Party made fools of their politics wearing funny hats with tea bags on them. If they don't take their politics seriously, why should we? Winknudge

Fourth, the 99%ers look like America on television - very important - all races and ages are represented, and they are clean middle class types - teachers, nurses, firefighters, union workers. When the Tea Party finds a black that agrees with them, they have to parade them in front of the crowd. Tea Party members look like they are from Central Casting on the Disney backlot.

Fifth, when Tea Party rallys were over, the crowd went home and politicians forgot about them. 99%ers don't go home, and stay on politicians minds 24/7. This was a key lesson learned by 99%ers from the Tea Party.

Sixth, the polls are positive and growing for the 99%ers, last I saw 53% of the American people view them positively and numbers continue to rise. The Tea Party continues to be viewed postively by only about 27% of Americans. That number is not changing. Their star is no longer rising, and may well fade by the 2012 election.

Seventh, the Democratic Party would love to control the 99%ers, but the 99% won't let them. The Tea Party is known today as a Republican ploy to repackage themselves.

Eighth, 99%ers have no guns. Teabaggers love to show off their guns in photos. They scare indys away.

Ninth, more and more the American people are blaming the Tea Party Republicans for not creating jobs, and standing in the way of the president's American Jobs Act. If the 99%ers hold a convention next summer, President Obama will be there on his knees.

Unfortunately, Obama's liberal base, (which includes me) feels he is too much talk and promise. If he can not get the American Jobs Act passed, he should step down in the primaries and let Hillary Clinton run. Clinton has bigger balls than Obama anyway, and is not afraid of offending Republicans.

WesHollywood Wrote:Your posting has become irritating. You have been told[B] twice that the 99%ers is based upon U. S. statistics not global.[/B] Stop wasting my internet time, Nouveau.
Might want to pull that wand from your ass, Draco. Talk like that at Occupy LA and they'll lynch you.

And using scary red text tells me you cannot debate the issue, hence why resort to anger/intimidation.

cloud999 Wrote:Might want to pull that wand from your ass, Draco. Talk like that at Occupy LA and they'll lynch you.

And using scary red text tells me you cannot debate the issue, hence why resort to anger/intimidation.

I use red type to indicate that I have repeated to you about four times now that the term 1% is based on U. S. income only, not global. 1%ers make considerably more than $50,000 a year. You make only about $80,000, you are not a 1%er. However, if you concur with their politics you can ally yourself with their politics. Comedian Bill Maher is a multi-millionaire, but his politics are 99ers.

Is it just me, or can anyone else see that cloud999 is stalking me? Not that I care, but cloud999 is filling my box with PMs on all kinds of teabagger propaganda. This obsession, while comical, is wasting my internet time discussing all kinds of snobbery about his membership in the 1%. Why he wants my approval is beyond me. Cloud999 is by his own admission is teabagger, gay, and a 1%er. A formula for at least three sessions a week with a psychiatrist. Mdrbig

Frankly, I think he wants attention because he knows that if I ever saw him at a bar I would walk right past, and send back his drink. Age does not present a sexual obstacle for me, but intelligence does.

FYI. Here is a recent commentary from Cornell graduate Bill Maher on the 99ers.


i wish there was a like button like on facebook, this thread was hiliarious non stop laughing; for me anyway, ur all crazy cause once the zombie apocolypse comes in 2012 none of this will matter.
the retardation level in here is through the roof LOL

WesHollywood Wrote:I use red type to indicate that I have repeated to you about four times now that the term 1% is based on U. S. income only, not global. 1%ers make considerably more than $50,000 a year. You make only about $80,000, you are not a 1%er. However, if you concur with their politics you can ally yourself with their politics. Comedian Bill Maher is a multi-millionaire, but his politics are 99ers.
In other words...all Republicans are 1%ers, and all Democrats are 99%ers. Like I said above, the 99%ers are tools of the Democrats in power. Given that you're a Democratic activist, you're living proof.

WesHollywood Wrote:Is it just me, or can anyone else see that cloud999 is stalking me?
I think it's just you. I PM'd you because I don't want every thread in this forum to devolve into a pattern of you attacking "Teabaggers" and me defending them.

WesHollywood Wrote:Not that I care, but cloud999 is filling my box with PMs on all kinds of teabagger propaganda. This obsession, while comical, is wasting my internet time discussing all kinds of snobbery about his membership in the 1%. Why he wants my approval is beyond me. Cloud999 is by his own admission is teabagger, gay, and a 1%er. A formula for at least three sessions a week with a psychiatrist. Mdrbig
Wow. You really hate the right-wing. Like "march us into the ovens" hate. Were you one of the ones vandalizing buildings in Occupy Oakland?

WesHollywood Wrote:Frankly, I think he wants attention because he knows that if I ever saw him at a bar I would walk right past, and send back his drink. Age does not present a sexual obstacle for me, but intelligence does.
And yo mama so fat...

...grow up.

WesHollywood Wrote:FYI. Here is a recent commentary from Cornell graduate Bill Maher on the 99ers.

Bill Maher is a comedian...so I don't take him seriously. And everyone knows Cornell shouldn't be in the Ivy League.

Here's commentary on inequality fallacies by Thomas Sowell, Harvard grad and current Stanford economist. He taught at UCLA and Cornell, too!


cloud999 Wrote:In other words...all Republicans are 1%ers, and all Democrats are 99%ers. Like I said above, the 99%ers are tools of the Democrats in power. Given that you're a Democratic activist, you're living proof.

I think it's just you. I PM'd you because I don't want every thread in this forum to devolve into a pattern of you attacking "Teabaggers" and me defending them.

Wow. You really hate the right-wing. Like "march us into the ovens" hate. Were you one of the ones vandalizing buildings in Occupy Oakland?

And yo mama so fat...

...grow up.

Bill Maher is a comedian...so I don't take him seriously. And everyone knows Cornell shouldn't be in the Ivy League.

Here's commentary on inequality fallacies by Thomas Sowell, Harvard grad and current Stanford economist. He taught at UCLA and Cornell, too!

You really are obsessed with me. I see you are back to posting with no supporting links to facts. Too bad, I thought I saw growth.

This is all about sex isn't it? You can't get a guy like me to look at you. The more I write you off, the closer you try to push toward me. That make work for some in business, but not on a personal level. Have you ever considered that the reason people back away from you is............well, the way you are - obsessed with your own needs? You succeed at making money while you do not do so well in personal relationships. I guess we all know why you are single. Let me guess, having a 'house boy' never seems to work out for you?

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