11-13-2011, 07:46 PM
Jay Wrote:There you go, my ridiculous excuses. Somebody slap me or something.
None of these are ridiculous, they may (then again may not) be 'excuses', but they are not ridiculous. You feel something about these points, those feelings are valid and most likely are to be expected considering the realities.
I have no idea where he hails from, but the word 'bro' is short for brother, and is common in several subcultures, skiers, surfers, bikers, all use bro in a generic sense. In this you may be over thinking his use of 'bro'. He might use it all the time, no matter who he talks to. It might be his way of saying 'dude'.
Taking it nice and slow often leads to a small apartment with a ton of cats....

Taking it nice and slow can also lead to regrets.... Being too safe can be as bad, if not worse than being reckless. Try to temper each extreme.
It is only a phone call, it is only lunch. It is only one day out of a string of days... No one is going to hold an arrow (or a gun) to your head and force you to make any life long commitments when you make that call or take that lunch.