I remember seeing porn briefly when my dad first got my family a computer back in 96, I was 10. Every once in a while, I'd come inside and see a picture of a woman on the screen and then my dad would quickly minimize it. Later when my parents got divorced and I moved with my dad to Minnesota, I remember him setting the desktop background as a naked woman laying on the ground all sexy like. Not sure if he meant for me to see it or not. Probably though, my dad works on computers for a living and uses them all the time, he either did it on purpose or forgot he left it there
Anyway though, I didn't start actually looking for porn on my own til I was 13 or so, and I remember the very first place I went was
http://www.porn.com because I didn't know where else to look

And I think I looked at women, I'm pretty sure. I predominantly look at ladies, just always have. It wasn't until recently that I tried some gay porn, and I dunno. I may need to look at more to get a feel for whether I really like it or not. But real live gay porn, so far, not a big thing for me. DRAWN gay porn on the other hand, I like. Specifically furries, but that's just me.
That drawn gay porn helped me really understand what I like, in terms of gay sex. The idea of being penetrated, various positions, that sort of thing. Also the type of guy I feel a bit more attracted to. I'm not big on huge muscle men or overly masculine men. I like athletic and fit, but I also like femboys too. I might like that a bit more. But I still prefer to be the bottom, if I ever were to have sex with another man.