Christianity as a whole suffers from one person who had 'issues' with his own sexuality. Constantine, the founder of Modern Christianity adopted policies and hired people to form a 'unified' Roman Church that reflected HIS guilt over the life of lust and debauchery HE had.
Once he selected like minded individuals all who to one degree or another had a sexual hang-up the ball started rolling rapidly to make Christianity a sexually repressed perv.
Early Christians - Pr-Romanized Christians had same gender marriage:
Early Pre-Romans believed in Celebration, not Celibacy.
Before the Church of Rome got its damned dirty paws all over the matter, Christians were pretty much happy, tolerance and loving people. Who held over 600 manuscripts as sacred and Holy, and believed those to be the Word of God, who also had more cults and takes on the matter, but were, due to the ever present persecution, tolerant, open and accepting of their various brothers and sisters in Christ.
But then 'church' wasn't used as a way to control them. They went to 'church' (meetings of like minded people) to share in their love and understanding of God and Christ.
The Roman church was devised, and its purpose was more of politics than spirit, it was more a matter of control than worship.
The Roman church say 600 scattered sacred writings that allowed much and condemned little. That just didn't work for them. Thus they carefully picked and choose a small handful of the writings, and compressed them under one cover. Part of that selection process was to make their take on 'Faith' the only take, while pushing out many of the other sects, such as the Gnostic Sect who were all but completely wiped out.
Open, happy people who have open ideas of sex, marriage, love, etc are not as easily controlled. A people without something to fear are also not easily controlled. Thus the church devised the ideology of Hell and Fire and selected various things that people liked to do to demonize, ostracize and used a guilt trips in order to force people to 'stay' with the Authority.
This same motivation also lead to the adopting of so many pagan rituals. Lets face it, the Early Roman Church didn't have much to sell, so it stole from surrounding religions, to make it more appealing, tricking pagans to join, then using their deeper agenda in order to maintain control.
About 2000 years of struggle and power and dominance, slowly twisting and changing the bible to make it control the masses gives us the end product of Modern Organized Christian Religion.
The Catholic Church, being the eldest Organized Christian 'Faith' holds its power largely due to its age and its ability to slowly adapt and change its policies, while still mustering enough fear of death and hell.
The reason why so many priests are gay is because the idea of celibacy doesn't float with most men.
Remember, God doesn't hate the sinner, He Hates the sin (Interesting concept). Thus for generations gays were told, '
Its ok that your way, but don't act on it. Instead vow to celibacy. Become a priest, its an honorable way to hide the fact that you are gay and God will reward you with life eternal'.
Becoming a priest is a good way to hide your sin. Lets face it, in a world were young men are expected to marry, produce lots of offspring, having a good reason to not be with a woman is needed. We solve that social need with a 'higher purpose' Priesthood.
Priesthood is a fine, even saintly way to justify your not being attracted to women.
And all because Constantine, a bisexual perv who did things that most people would never dream of, got feeling a little guilty over his own issues.