i was at the local gay club with my buddy and my wife for his birthday. i guess my wife saw me "flirting" with some other guys. i feel i was being social, but she thinks i was flirting. any ways she says that she asked me if i was bi and i told her that i dont know. i vaguely remember this. anyways she said that drunk talk=truth. just wondering what all of your takes are on that. on the bright side, she seemed ok with my answer.
In vino veritas.
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No matter the language, the message is identical. Drinking makes lying difficult.
I can't say that this is true for everyone, but it is definitely true for me. When I am drinking I tend to be brutally honest about anything, even things I would normally keep quiet about. I think it just has to do with alcohol lowering your inhibitions, and when you lose your inhibitions you want to tell the truth and you don't care who knows it.
drunk doesnt equal truth. theres some stuff way out there I talk about when Im drunk and the shit dont exist. so tell your wife to rethink think that hypthothesis.
I always beleive drunk talk is true talk.... When my boyfriend and me were going threough a roughh patch he told me things he wouldnt when sober... I would say the best thing to do is now you said your bi is admit it and not give her more fuel or allow egg on your face the day you do either come out or get caught out x
i will never put myself into a position that would allow even the remote posibility to be cought. ie i would never cheet on her. with a guy or girl. i would rather just come out and say it to her. it would be WAY less painful for the both of us. but either way i feel inside that it would break her heart or thats what im scared of.