Generally I'm extrovert and assertive. I can be a real embarrassment for my friends. I haven't got time to wait until the ice melts. I wasn't always like this: it's something I've learned. I hate people who are polite and pussyfoot around. Life's too short. If you've got something to say, say it. My redeeming feature is that I am very tolerant of everyone and anything (except intolerance).
Im an introvert too, I do have moments where im more confident, but thats mainly if I have to do something and sort of put on a subconcious front. Also being shy, and having anxiety issues/being agoraphobic doesnt help with it either.
My therapist told me after we first met that I am an introvert pretending to be an extrovert to protect the introvert...busted! :biggrin:
I think I start off as in introvert depending the situation, but when a get comfortable in my surrounds and I’m able to gage the people around me it can be hard to get me to shut up.
I am INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving), very one on one! What I've found from observation is, really, beautiful people are introverted, the not so lovelies are so nice, friendly, and sociable. Hmm...
I´m very introverted and shy .... but both I don´t practice
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Aaycle Wrote:I am INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving), very one on one! What I've found from observation is, really, beautiful people are introverted, the not so lovelies are so nice, friendly, and sociable. Hmm...
I am a INFJ. (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) AKA The counsleor/Confidant/Empath type.
The rarest of all the personality types making up 1% of the population......and most INFJs are yeah....a rare kind indeed......:redface:
Shame i can't remember what test these results were from......
The page i found that reminded me of my results(Also explains the type):
INFJ (Confidant) Personality Type - Jungian
Out of curiousity i took another test......i got only 3% for extrovertedness.:redface:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
I am an lover is an is a perfect match really.
Interesting I love doing these online test things, i'm to sleepy to do it right now but be sure to take it first thing in the morning.