11-18-2011, 07:10 PM
Well hello everyone! First, thanks for taking the time to read my first thread.
My story seems to be a little unique in comparison to other threads I have found thus far...
Well to make a long story shorter, my serious boyfriend of almost 9 years and father to our child, just came out to me that he is Bi (11.14.2011), a date I will never forget. He says he has always known this since he was young but had suppressed those feelings due to the fear of the unknown. I took it well (not, I cried...ALOT), to my much suprise. Lol. It came out after our first couple drag shows we went to see to support a friend of mine and a couple of nights out to a local gay bar (the best dance club in town!) (A note to any woman, if you dont want to risk your man coming out to you as bi or gay, don't take him to a gay bar).
Bottom line is this.... I dont have regrets because everything bad and good, happens for a reason, whether we like the outcome or not. I am glad that in a non intentional way I have helped him not only be more comfortable with us as a couple, but within himself to be comfortable in his own skin. I am glad he is starting to find inner peace (which we all should have) and begin to live life as the "real" him.
I am here for support through this difficult and unpredictable future ahead. I am here to find continued ways to make things work with us. I am here to find continued ways to nurture and support his needs.
If you can't tell already, I love him dearly
and we decided to stay together... and why would I leave him? he is still the same man I fell in love with, just now more honest and open, which was needed anyhow.

Well to make a long story shorter, my serious boyfriend of almost 9 years and father to our child, just came out to me that he is Bi (11.14.2011), a date I will never forget. He says he has always known this since he was young but had suppressed those feelings due to the fear of the unknown. I took it well (not, I cried...ALOT), to my much suprise. Lol. It came out after our first couple drag shows we went to see to support a friend of mine and a couple of nights out to a local gay bar (the best dance club in town!) (A note to any woman, if you dont want to risk your man coming out to you as bi or gay, don't take him to a gay bar).
Bottom line is this.... I dont have regrets because everything bad and good, happens for a reason, whether we like the outcome or not. I am glad that in a non intentional way I have helped him not only be more comfortable with us as a couple, but within himself to be comfortable in his own skin. I am glad he is starting to find inner peace (which we all should have) and begin to live life as the "real" him.
I am here for support through this difficult and unpredictable future ahead. I am here to find continued ways to make things work with us. I am here to find continued ways to nurture and support his needs.
If you can't tell already, I love him dearly