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Why are you so gay?
Pix Wrote:Maybe it's because I'm a lesbian but I don't recall ever being fascinated with penis sizes. And for a few years I played almost exclusively with boys and we satisfied our mutual curiosity by seeing each other naked.

But maybe we're both just projecting. It matters to you so you think it must matter to women, just as I think it doesn't matter so I project my own belief into other women. But if most women want bigger penises then it's strange that I see very little about how big a penis is in porn and erotica by women for women (sure, size tends to matter, but not in the "bigger is better" way, preferences vary a lot, and it's usually a lot less important to women than to men).

I'm gay and I'm not even obsessed with penis size, lol. The ability of people to project their subjective experience as universals onto everyone else never ceases to amaze me.

0TC Wrote:What you say about girls -- I didn't see any of that when I was growing up. Girls were always perfectly innocent little angels. The prospect of a pre-teen girl singing about a penis or mocking one is unfathomable to me.

In my experience I wouldn't say TOTALLY innocent, but singing about penises would be a fast track to being shunned as a slut. Pre-teens are especially quick to label another girl a slut and even a girl admitting to having seen one might be called a slut (of course even an innocent kiss can, or showing too much skin, can do the same).

I've been thinking about it and the most sexual thing I recall girls in general singing about (often while swinging the arms back and forth to encourage their breasts to grow) was, "We must, we must, we must, increase our bust!" The really brave would add, "and the boys will come to us!" while those not so brave would only say, "we must, we must!" But hard as I try I can't recall anything else explicit.

Of course boys were very different, always singing about or telling jokes about sex, farts, burning down the school, and sharing "grosser than gross" jokes.

Im just gay PERIOD. Never thought why, just knew it.

Pix Wrote:In my experience I wouldn't say TOTALLY innocent...

My nieces are just about that age, so I'm sticking with TOTALLY INNOCENT, and if you say otherwise, I'll hunt you down!

Seriously, though, I grew up in what was probably a very sheltered community, and that influenced my perception of women. Even now, I have a very hard time thinking of women as sexual creatures. They say men regard all woman as either mothers, sisters, or whores. By that classification, I feel that I've never met a whore. (Ironic, then, that I think of myself as one.)


I can only go by my observations. I might be projecting to some degree, but that doesn't change the fact that I experienced what I experienced. I don't want to be too monolithic about it, but it really did seem like those girls that I encountered who DID talk about sex at that age, reacted in that way. There are statistics that kinda back my theory up over at buzzfeed.com. Can't post the link cuz I don't have 50 posts.

Google "women penis size preference chart". I won't become too reliant on them because we all know how statistics can be. No, this does not appear to be related to a penis enlargement product. I think it is just natural for someone to want more of something they like.

As for innocence, let it be known that I don't look at little girls and think about whether or not they are having these thoughts. Ew. At the same time, however, as disturbing as it is to acknowledge it, most of us played doctor when we were younger. We know what we thought when we were hitting adolescence. To deny that we all had sexual impulses as kids is to be blind to a fact of life. As for adolescent girls not acting sexual or talking about sex out of fear of being called sluts, this is also true. It is much more common for the average highschool girl to be conservative about sex. Good. But most girls also have close friends that they tell all of their uncensored thoughts to. All women after puberty have sexual desires, just like dudes do - they just tend to be more passive about them in general. What I noticed throughout my childhood adolescence is that I simply knew a lot of girls who weren't afraid to disclose their attraction to big ones. This is in addition to other occurrences that I mentioned in my previous post. I don't want this discussion to get any creepier than it already (if that's even possible. I feel like Roman fucking Polanski right now) is so I'll just leave it at that.

PPS: In your past two posts, you've mentioned that you are "pretty fucked up" and that your penis size limits you. Do you want help? I'm new here, but the regular crowd seems to offer really good advice on how to cope with things.

Sure. Any advice until I can afford a psychologist is appreciated.

That's a toughie... I think I was just born gay, it's more nature over nurture in my case I think

I am sorry, but I cannot deny that the environment in which one grows up in influences the way you turn up later in life. I had a great relationship with my dad, I loved him I also loved my mom growing up. I identified more with my dad, but have always been a 'sensitive' and empathetic person with powerful emotions. I realized I was gay when I was 6 years old, and it is probably because there were plenty gay guys in my life growing up.

The diathesis-stress model stresses that a combination of both genetic and environmental factors influence major aspects of life and development. Going too extremely with one or the other would be selling yourself short because in reality both affect life and psychological development.

In fact, certain environmental cues in one's life can trigger genes that would otherwise be dormant. Correct me if I am wrong!

Pix Wrote:(often while swinging the arms back and forth to encourage their breasts to grow) "We must, we must, we must, increase our bust!" The really brave would add, "and the boys will come to us!"

I wonder if that would work for blokes...swings legs back and forth chanting we will we will we will increase our willy.

I'll keep trying :tongue:

beast Wrote:I am sorry, but I cannot deny that the environment in which one grows up in influences the way you turn up later in life. I had a great relationship with my dad, I loved him I also loved my mom growing up. I identified more with my dad, but have always been a 'sensitive' and empathetic person with powerful emotions. I realized I was gay when I was 6 years old, and it is probably because there were plenty gay guys in my life growing up.

The diathesis-stress model stresses that a combination of both genetic and environmental factors influence major aspects of life and development. Going too extremely with one or the other would be selling yourself short because in reality both affect life and psychological development.

In fact, certain environmental cues in one's life can trigger genes that would otherwise be dormant. Correct me if I am wrong!

There is no doubt that environment has some influence on the people we become, and possibly even trigger a latency (And this would be evident in Gays and lesbians that repress their homosexuality - That is an environmental influence), but the mere fact that the latency in genes exists also points to a possible and plausible fact that sexuality is genetic?

It has to be there to be triggered.

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