11-21-2011, 08:15 AM
o as you guys know- i was gonna come out on saturday night. I did. i called the guy i had a crush on out. and he was ranting about alot of shit thats happened between us, because we havent spoken in forever. we walked around the town alone together. freezing our asses off. i started beating around the bush and the conversation just started getting deeper and deeper. Surprisingly a bench showed up and we sat down. We wandered into some quiet part of town and then. i asked him, "have you ever wondered why i dont have a girlfriend? Why i never asked so and so out?" he eventually pulled the peices together. and surprisingly. i wasnt afraid. i was just so comfortable. even when i got the news that he was fully straight. but im not gonna lie. as i type my heart is broken. and i am really fucked up right now---but over all he has given me a choice. i can still be his best friend he says. he doesnt care. or i can stop being his friend and never talk to him again. because he said he understands that me staying his friend is gonna rip me apart inside. that everytime i see him im going to see my failure. idk what im gonna do. im so fucked up right now--- hes gonna keep my secret. hes still being that perfect friend even after all this. this is the first time this has ever happened to me. and i cant stop crying. those butterflies i had in my stomach before i told him- they havent left me. i feel like im gonna throw up... everything has been thrown on me. i feel like a terrible person. but ill say this. its good he knows. im glad he knows. im so grateful hes willing to be there me while i come out to the rest of the world. he says he wants to be there for me. it means so much. but i dont think i can take much more emotional abuse. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!