Hokay ... well, there are a number of things that strike me about your situation at first glance ...
First and foremost, your age. You've been with your fiancé for 6 years, so you two started dating at 14 ? Which is an age when most people are very much still developing, relationships at that age don't
tend to last, as people are still at an early stage of growth, and so they are learning as much about themselves as other people, going through puberty, learning to live and love, etc., etc., etc.
That you have been able to sustain a relationship from that age to 20 represents just under 1/3 of your life, so whilst a 6 year relationship is a serious commitment and duration for ANYBODY, at YOUR age I think it should be taken even MORE seriously, as it's nothing short of a MASSIVE part of you ... I'll bet you can't remember what it was like beforehand, can you ??
The second thing that strikes me is that, at 20, you're still far from fully developed - 20 year olds (like 29 year olds :redface

still have a lot to learn about the ways of the world, so it's not at all
surprising to hear that you're finding yourself still growing and learning, particularly as you'll have probably subconsciously shelved little bits of that during your 6-year relationship thusfar.
May I ask how long you've been engaged to your girlfriend ? It's not hugely massively important, but it will help flesh-out the image I have of you a bit ...
What kind of a relationship do you have with your fiancé ? Is it the type of relationship where you can sit her down and say "look babe, I don't want to be anything less than 100% truthful with you - I've been having these feelings, and whilst I don't want to rock the boat, they ARE there and I DON'T want to mess you about ... let's talk about it" ? Or is she (as many women would probably be) more likely to take that as something that represents a serious problem, and immediately recommend counselling or similar ?
It is vitally important for you to observe that there is a line here. There's nothing
wrong with having feelings - I'm sure that, no matter how much you love your fiancé, you've not been able to stop yourself from finding other women attractive, for example. It's perfectly natural, and nothing to be ashamed of. The LINE comes when you
do something about it, so whilst I cannot find fault with your feeling this way whilst you're in a relationship with a girl as you
are still very young, and you
are still developing, if you were to start hooking up with guys behind your fiancé's back then, whilst I would listen to you and probably
pity you, I would say you'd done the wrong thing, no question at all.
Since you're in a long-term relationship there are two people's feelings you ought to consider, but you need to be selfish to a degree and accept that this is how YOU feel, so YOU need to take control of it and make the decisions as to how YOU go from here.
So some more questions for you if I may - it'll help us better understand you ...
1) Can you elaborate on your feelings for men ? Is it something you're denying yourself ? Something you're actively contemplating pursuing ?
2) How happy are you in your relationship with your fiancé ? Honestly ... I'm taking it as read that you want it to continue, but I'd like to hear it from your lips as-it-were.
With more information, we can better advise you ... but at this stage my advice would be that
it's ok to feel as you do - you're still developing. Don't beat yourself up for having thoughts and feelings - it's what makes us human

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!