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Gay Psychotherapy,Psychiatry and Psychology: Repost
Psychology was one of the first disciplines to study homosexuality as a discrete phenomenon. Prior to and throughout most of the 20th century, common standard psychology viewed homosexuality in terms of pathological models as a mental illness. That classification began to be subjected to critical scrutiny in the research, which consistently failed to produce any empirical or scientific basis for regarding homosexuality as a disorder or abnormality

If this true individuals diagnosed with a Mental illness will find themselves in a conundrum especially if they must continue medicated treatment under American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association practices that may have a high risk for anti-gay bias in psychotherapy with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients.

What differently would have happen if Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer and Andrew Phillip Cunanan actually received psychological treatment before their socially chaotic mental explosion????

Psychopathy and sociopathy are triggered manifestations of Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) which is what Jeff and Andrew where classified as in the DSM-IV-TR.

What is being done differently to help individuals that could potentially turn in to the above monsters? A Gay Man diagnosed with a Psychiatric Mental Disorder like Multiple Personality disorder,schizophrenia,schizo-effective disorder treated by the wrong therapist can end disastrously!

Could this be prevented with LOVE and Compassion from within the GLBT community? Which professionals out there is well qualified to correctly handle these types of clients without the bias?

I really don't want to talk about it in any detail, but I was tortured in a psychiatric hospital when I was 13, and had powerful medications forced on me that stopped my dreams (and gave me horrible nightmares as I finally came off of them), made it nearly impossible for me to feed myself, and I believe screwed with my body. And yet such mistreatment and malpractice didn't turn me into a sociopath (granted, I came REAL close to being a vigilante over it...). That makes me think that psychiatry isn't to blame for people like Dahmer.

Also, I read about Dahmer and I think his problems were manifesting even in childhood (like putting a dog's head on a stake) and I have my doubts that anyone could've prevented him from becoming the monster he was (though the cops clearly could've stopped him earlier than they had, and had Dahmer not been white I'm sure they would've). I suppose he might've been identified as what he was earlier if screened by someone competent, but I don't see how being more accepting of homosexuality would've made them more likely to do so.

However, I do believe that psyche meds can go wrong and make people do things they normally wouldn't do (including suicide and murder), though again that has nothing to do with how one views sexual orientation (unless some psychiatrist was so stupid as to medicate someone for it).

I don't think being gay has anything to do with these people's insanity. If that was the case...why dont' straight people "fix" the straight psychopaths?

The only doctors want is to prescribe drugs as that is all they do Tongue

I think the guys who killed, raped and ate (maybe not in that order) young men were not merely homosexuals...

I doubt a little more love from the LGBT community would have stopped or prevented these things from happening.

Perhaps if society as a whole wasn't so uptight and all anti-gay, then the underlying issues would not have pressed them to such 'extreme' actions.

Self loathing, self hatred leads to destructing and self destructive behaviors. These men hated being 'that way' and turned it outward onto others. They were 'hated' by society for having those 'gay tendencies' thus they focused on that particular hatred and took it to all knew levels.

I think it was merely a 'delivery system' the whole 'gay hating' part of it. If it wasn't being hated and self hating the gay, then it would have been bullies because they were fat in school, or nerds or some other avenue.

These men had other, deeper problems. Gay or straight a little more love from a community (gay or straight) may not have done anything. Perhaps more love from their parents, less abuse/neglect as children... Then again maybe not - perhaps they are/were just hard wired to go loony-tunes.

We have to remember that these sorts of crimes are empowering the the perpetrator. It is control/power over others that they crave. Usually they feel a sense of no control in their own lives, killing is the ultimate way to control others.

We humans fixate on those issues closes to us, these men most likely were focused on the gay due to how society viewed the gay, but could have been women haters, or manifested their 'issues' in other groups of people.

Pix Wrote:I suppose he might've been identified as what he was earlier if screened by someone competent, but I don't see how being more accepting of homosexuality would've made them more likely to do so.

First I want to thank you for your reply!

I really do believe that there is a common denominator. Dahmer and Cunanan could have been me or you spiraling out of control like that. Im Gay and I have been diagnosed with mental issues since i was child because of strange or so called "weird" behavior. My parents fortunately had the resources to explore the psychiatric avenues in addition cold hard old school Afro American discipline and holistic remedies to this day I still have some very crazy disturbing thoughts that haunt me and other physical disruptions related to my brain. Im tortured with or with out the physic treatment! The treatment minimizes the suffering but being GAY with Behavioral and/or Emotional issues in addition to people in the community that don't show enough care,compassion,attention and love is what creates the "monster in society"! I CAN BE A DAHMER OR CUNANAN IF IM EXPERIENCING IT I CAN ONLY IMAGE HOW IT WAS DAHMER AND CUNANAN I KNOW ITS VERY SCARY BUT THERE'S NO DIFFERENCE IN THAT REGARD BETWEEN US SKIN COLOR IS NO EXCUSE! Like in science the right elements put together is what creates the reaction no matter how many times you put the three chemicals together the eruption or explosion will happen unless you add a desolveing or defusing material to put it out with. POINT IS WE ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH TO REACH OUT AND EMBRACE WHILE OUR BROTHERS SUFFER OUT THERE! WHERES THE REAL HELP SERIOUSLY?

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I think the guys who killed, raped and ate (maybe not in that order) young men were not merely homosexuals...

I doubt a little more love from the LGBT community would have stopped or prevented these things from happening.

Perhaps if society as a whole wasn't so uptight and all anti-gay, then the underlying issues would not have pressed them to such 'extreme' actions.

Self loathing, self hatred leads to destructing and self destructive behaviors. These men hated being 'that way' and turned it outward onto others. They were 'hated' by society for having those 'gay tendencies' thus they focused on that particular hatred and took it to all knew levels.

I think it was merely a 'delivery system' the whole 'gay hating' part of it. If it wasn't being hated and self hating the gay, then it would have been bullies because they were fat in school, or nerds or some other avenue.

These men had other, deeper problems. Gay or straight a little more love from a community (gay or straight) may not have done anything. Perhaps more love from their parents, less abuse/neglect as children... Then again maybe not - perhaps they are/were just hard wired to go loony-tunes.

We have to remember that these sorts of crimes are empowering the the perpetrator. It is control/power over others that they crave. Usually they feel a sense of no control in their own lives, killing is the ultimate way to control others.

We humans fixate on those issues closes to us, these men most likely were focused on the gay due to how society viewed the gay, but could have been women haters, or manifested their 'issues' in other groups of people.

Thank You very much for your reply I like yours the most because it delves in the Psyche of a GAY MAN we often feel the pain of rejection from anti-gay society as well as close members of our family and then the rejection from the peers who are just like us in our own community that would drive anyone to self destructive behavior,imagine how hard it is for a gay man with a mental illness that is more prone to suicide and killing others without being under any treatment and suddenly realize they need help were do those guys go for help when the doctors think were crazy for being gay already?!? I know these unbiased Physiologist and Psychiatrist are out here but they are very rare and hard to find!

If you feel like you are heading in a direction of a serial killer, I urge you to get proper help. If you can't find it there, go somewhere more liberal. You can find support.

There are a number of things both genetic and environment that can have an affect on how we grow up and who we become. Is it possible that someone who was/is gay and has been constantly told they are wrong, will go to hell, etc., might end up with resentment that could be dangerous if combined with a condition? Yes, that's possible. But in that case, it is because of being in a negative environment, or receiving negative messages. When it comes to minds of serial killers or those who go on mass shootings or make assassination attempts (think of what happened last year with Giffords), you can speculate all you want on the environmental factors ... "What if they were bullied less?" "What if their parents hadn't had to work so much?" "What if the parents hadn't been so overprotective?" "What if they hadn't been rejected by the first person they felt they loved?" "What if they hadn't stumbled across that web site?".

I do think your theory has more validity with suicide... I do think there would be less suicides with more support; more acceptance. But to actually go on and hurt others in the way someone like Dahmer did? Now most crimes are crimes of passion, and you'll see cases where wifes and even children fight back, even kill, against abusers, so sometimes it's even justified, and sometimes it's an overreaction to catching a cheating spouse or having been fired from a job where it's not justified. But these are vastly different than someone like Dahmer or Loughner

only in 1973 did the American Psychiatric Association declassify homosexuality as a disease. And from what I read they did it regretfully. I am trying to say the medical profession is not a scientific forward thinking group. For example could your doctor send you an email or text to save his life. Despite many years of eduction it is an over paid group of backward peeps.

jbrowder24 Wrote:If you feel like you are heading in a direction of a serial killer, I urge you to get proper help. If you can't find it there, go somewhere more liberal. You can find support.

There are a number of things both genetic and environment that can have an affect on how we grow up and who we become. Is it possible that someone who was/is gay and has been constantly told they are wrong, will go to hell, etc., might end up with resentment that could be dangerous if combined with a condition? Yes, that's possible. But in that case, it is because of being in a negative environment, or receiving negative messages. When it comes to minds of serial killers or those who go on mass shootings or make assassination attempts (think of what happened last year with Giffords), you can speculate all you want on the environmental factors ... "What if they were bullied less?" "What if their parents hadn't had to work so much?" "What if the parents hadn't been so overprotective?" "What if they hadn't been rejected by the first person they felt they loved?" "What if they hadn't stumbled across that web site?".

I do think your theory has more validity with suicide... I do think there would be less suicides with more support; more acceptance. But to actually go on and hurt others in the way someone like Dahmer did? Now most crimes are crimes of passion, and you'll see cases where wifes and even children fight back, even kill, against abusers, so sometimes it's even justified, and sometimes it's an overreaction to catching a cheating spouse or having been fired from a job where it's not justified. But these are vastly different than someone like Dahmer or Loughner

Do you know much about Andrew Phillip Cunanan? Well you may recall him as being the one to assassinate fashion mogul Gianni Versace but beforekilling Versace he also killed a few others along the way then ended up killing himself! Killers like Cunanan dont have the same criminal mind or evil intentions as other killers have, after psychological screening and assessment will find perminate or temporary brain abnormal condition at the time of the murder or murders I believe this is result of Gay social and or negative messages coming from within the community and outside of it create conflict and confusion. Basically there is no balance in every area of the american population when it comes to sexuality, to achieve that our image must be of a loving,wholesome,acceptance and peacefulness that is how hate in all its forms is defeated.Cool

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