Ok, so this will be one of my last posts as I am waddling off to the farm tomorrow night 'till Sunday.
Sorry I skipped 10 minutes postin time yesterday, but I'm doing some design work on the bottling process I was jammering on about.
Also, I got a mild dose of flue, so yours truely has benn coughing an splatterin and hawkin like a 1958 DKW 2 stroke man-magnet ride.
Top that with this:
Grand daughter's constipated
Mumsey and daddy go chemist
chemist gives seposotary
mumsey does the..... well....the.... well the bloody thing was pushed in the tiny, tiny derrier...
next thing the wee lass is runnin round like a demented police car with her hands over her.... bum cheeks yellin (in Africkaans) my bum's on fire, my bums on fire.
Seems that the chemist did not tell mumsey only half, only half....
Should have seen how fast the little lass cleared outta there with her teeny hands clamped over her butt when it was "the next time"...
Any how, shame she had a tonsilectimy today, all's well.
My April fool gag went off well. It was my birthday on Friday, so I waited 'till Tuesday to bring the obligatory cake 'n treats to work.
1 cub-cake with a wedge cut out and a card sign:-
thank you
Then told the receptionist to please tell everybody that there's cake in the kitchen.
First up Sales lady then the CEO who is German.... I think he's still trying to figure why the sales lady's shrieking with laughter,
next the receptionist she 'ad the bleedin giggles... Trying to answer calls made her life nice 'n complicated,
Anyhow, I did finally put out cake and goodies.
EVERYONE COMPLIMENTED ME on my April fool joke, so there!