Yes please let us know how it goes at the Doctor's, hopefully it's just a boil...?
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Hi guys,
Here's an update. Well today the appointment with the doctors went well, although he said my bump is a bit of a mystery. He said it could be a hematoma in which blood has pooled and it's diffusing out or a sebaceous cyst in which there has been an infection. From my view the lump has decreased in size alot as it was about as big as a 2p coin and was oblong. This has subsequently decreased in size which is a bit bigger than a bean but is still there. The doctor said the fact it has decreased in size so dramatically in one day is a good sign. I am also quite glad I have a new doctor too, he seems quite young maybe 28, 29 or early 30's, pleased the old ones left cause they were intimidating. I am worrying less now, he even said it could be stress that has made it come up. I'll keep you guys updated. :-)
definetely sounds like what i had a few years ago, boils man, if it starts leaking puss its definetely a boil/abcess. Except mine (i had about 6 of them in the same area) and they were extremely warm and throbbed EVERY DAY, ALL OF THEM. Turns out they were infected with MRSA and started spreading the boils to wherever the puss went. good thing im a clean person and stopped it from spreading everywhere i had to stay home for 2 weeks from school because it was very contagious. had to go to the doctor and get a special ointment though to kill the MRSA. They are all gone now and all i have are little scars. hopefully you dont have the MRSA and its just a single boil- definetely curable lol. its not on your scrotum so i dont think your in any real danger
i had shingles in face-face was all swollen up scabs pus --now i have neuralgia from it
i looked like a monster -now it looks normal -but have no normal life
people get in mouth but sex organs im not sure--you want total misery try shingles-my whole life is wrecked in someways-ill have the damn neuralgia for life
keep immune system up to avoid it
Glad to hear all is fine.
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Hi guys,
An update, whatever was there has nearly gone it's like a tiny vein now so nothing to worry about. What is strange however was I came back from the doctors and had a case of uvulitis (inflammation of the dangly bit at the back of the throat) it could have been my lymph nodes were fighting an infection I didn't know about. So everything is good now. Thanks guys.