Ok so, just so we're all on the same page ...
You think that your family
would have serious problems with your sexuality if they were to find out ... so obviously you will have to be
very very careful when you're dealing with them on this issue ...
... and as for your friends ...
Quote:in the past i was alws say GAY OMG thats suck ewwwww
but now i discoverd im gay so
and some peoples were trying to sleep with me
and i sayed im gonna tell everybody that your are gay and i did 
You're saying that in the past, one or more of your friends tried to get you to sleep with them ... and you responded by telling all of your friends that they were gay ?
That was perhaps
not such a great idea ... as the phrase "turnabout's fair play" springs to mind, and it
might be the case that they would capitalise on the opportunity to make things more difficult for you were they to learn of your sexuality.
How old is/are these people please ? When did they try and get you to sleep with them ? I'm guessing that the age of majority for heterosexuals in Saudi Arabia is not 16 ? So odds are they were trying to coerce you into having underage sex with them ... is that correct ?
I'm afraid this is becoming rather convoluted ... :confused:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!