Granted... but now your world is not real.
I wish I knew what the weather is doing?
Granted, you now have a degree in meteorology - and a huge student load you can't afford.
I wish I had more tea.
Granted, but you have no water, milk or sugar.
I wish the weather forecast would get it right sometimes.
Granted ... but for another country.
I wish people watch their children near a pool.
Granted.... I won't say anything bad....
I wish my well water wasn't so hard.....
Granted - now it's so soft, it leaves you feeling slimy after a shower and, positively well lubed after a bath.
I wish my hip would quit hurting.
Granted ....I can't ruin that one.
I wish the media would be more careful with what the report.
Granted, now the reporters have no mouths (and they do want to scream).
I wish my trees would strop dropping so many leaves....
Granted - now they are all Ponderosa Pines and drop pine cones instead - as may cones as you used to have leaves.
I wish I had more of that sugar free ice cream I like so well.
Granted, now tell me how do you like swimming in a house full of icecream?
I wish I could carve my pumpkins like a pro....