Granted. Its not a fight, its a one sided beat down.
I wish I had someone to converse with before things reach a breaking point.
Granted. Get in the chat room and tell us about it. Just blowing off steam really helps sometimes.
I wish I had perfect skin.
Granted, but now youre in a well in someone's basement....
I wish phones supported flashchat.
Not granted. I get the problem now.
I wish phones supported flash chat as well.
Granted. Except on mine -_-
I wish i had a cold glass of sprite in here already.
Granted. You now have a cold glass and it has computer sprites in it.
I wish for world domination.
Granted. You now dominate pluto.
Granted, but now you know.
I wish for material things.
Granted. You are now a material girl. (Madonna song)
I wish for contentment.
Granted......just granted.
I wish people would leave bears alone.