Granted...but you get stranded in the middle of the ocean
I wish I was in Italy
Granted but you are on the canal of Venice and your gondola just tipped over but you don't have a room to go change in.
I wish people would come over when they say they are going to and not change their mind at the last minute.
Granted, but they also show up unexpectedly and at the worst times.
I wish I hadn't eaten that soup.
Granted. The soup eats you
I wish I wasn't so wired at 4:30 in the morning.
Granted, your so mellow you can't move....
I wish I could break dance.
Granted, but you break all your bones while doing it.
I wish I could solve all problems.
Granted. But now you broke the world.
I wish Bowyn hadn't broken the world.
Granted. But now you can't speak. oh wait...
Not granted. You must laugh.... FOREVAR!!! MUHUHUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I wish I would sleep on time instead of staying up late even when i wake early. -_-
Granted - won't ruin that.
I wish I could stop eating all of this fruit (I will pay for it come morning).