Granted, Bowyn now experiences true and never ending happiness
I wish the caterpillar would stop!
Granted, its now replaced with a million legged spider!
BTW thanks for the happiness.
I wish some wishes would actually come true.
Granted but they are those that you do not like.
I wish the price of petrol would go down .
Granted, but the price of everything else doubles.
I wish I'd get coffee in bed.
Granted. Your bed is soaked in scalding hot coffee just before you're about to fall into it, blissfully unaware...
I wish the knot in my groin would go away.
Granted - you have an ooold woman rub it out for you with her wrinkly hands... and she gets gropey
I wish for coffee in a mug in bed
Granted - I'm the mug who drank the coffee.
I wish healthy food was as tasty as the wicked stuff.
Amen not ruing that one.
I wish for peace in the middle east it's getting nasty.
I can't ruin that one either. Granted!
I wish that I had the power to grant everyone one wish.
Granted! but you lost your freewill and can never find love and live your life jumping around the world granting each person a wish until one person wishes for catastrophy in which then you live in an empty world filled with destruction that you can never change
I wish for a pony!