Granted, but none of the rides work and you're never allowed to leave.
I wish this semester could just be over with.
Granted though subsequently you fail everything, the cyborg who took your place while you were in suspended animation, had the limited brain capacity of a chipmunk
I wish i didn't have a hole in my trousers
Granted - now you can't put them on.
I wish chocolate had no fat and no calories.
Granted but everywhere you go people squeeze your bubble butt
I wish i had a big house on a hill
Granted but the house is not level and everything slides to the downward walls
I wish I could eat all the ice cream I want and not put on any weight
Granted. She stole the President Obama's life instead. All hail president Hilton!
I wish I had more space for my stuff.
Have an "accident" at work with a "puddle" try and land on your head, develop a "twitch"
Should get nice payout
I wish i didn't eat that whole pizza to myself