Granted, but the planet is just like living in New Jersey.
I wish for butter.
Granted, but it's a planet populated by a race of Boobchins who believe a prophecy saying that their savior will be a boob-chinned stranger from a distant planet. Now who's the rejects?
Dammit you ninja. Granted, have all the butter you want leaking out of your asshole uncontrollably.
I wish to be a chimney sweep when I'm a all growed up big kid
Granted but you end up dying of complications of sucking in so much chimeny dust
I wish I was a pokemon
Granted, you are now Weezing.
I wish I was a starmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan waiting in the sky
You're only saying that because you are the only live person there and you want to get eaten by a zombie because you have a deep secrete sexual fantasy involving necrophillia...
So I'll rush in and save you by fixing up one of the aircraft with my Leather-man toolkit, and fly you to a tropical island paradise where, you'll make me a very happy chappy and bive birth to a whole brood of children :flirty-thank-you-sm
I wish I knew what the devil's wrong with my Lover.....:frown:
Granted, your lover ceases to be an inanimate object and right out declares it has hated your guts all the time and it won't be driving you anywhere anymore...
I wish I got rid of the make-you-wake-up-crying nightmares...
Granted but then you end up sleeping way to much and are late for work often.
I wish that I had some bacon