Granted. Now everything else is hurting instead.
I wish I could get back on a regular sleep cycle.
Granted, he ruins yo-mamma's wishes.
I wish the gardening crew next door would arrive later and not use their damn blower.
Granted, the 'blower' stops paying you his morning bedroom more blowing.
I wish I had buns of steel.
Granted but now when you swim you sink to the bottom. You also have a hard time getting past airport security.
I wish I had the power to fly
Granted you now can fly but lost every knowledge of how to land
I wish the uber heavy dense fog from yesterday came back....
Granted but this fog is unnatural and causes people to go insane.
I wish that I wasn't so tired all the time
Granted but,
You are never able to sleep again which of course you then wish you could
I wish I had absolutly no sex drive whatsoever, so that I could live in peace
Granted, however you thirst for human blood is unquenchable, and you must drink of the red fount hourly... or die.....
I wish the lawns would mow themselves.