It's idiotic legislation that will just make it harder for people to share opinions and get information. All to keep money in the wallets of the entertainment industry by safeguarding their current formats instead of having them adapt to new technology. It won't stop piracy and will just cause more problems on the internet then there are now.
One benefit is less bandwidth usage in the future so your connections should be faster, but then you probably won't find much here to keep yourself entertained.
TBH the US is seeming a bit weird ATM to me.
I already stopped buying music - way back when the Napster was brought up on charges. Back then I would download songs that I never heard before - then end up buying the album. Using Napster pretty much caused me to buy a lot more music than I had before there was an internet music download.
I bought over a thousand CD's from record companies (I have them all in a box). you figure 4-5 dollars a CD - that comes to about $4,500.00 I spend over the course of three years for music. That is $1,500 a year. Napster was closed down what 11 years ago?
Seems to me the record companies lost a potential $16,500.00 profit from me.
No imagine if everyone had acted out at the same time....
But noooo, everyone allowed the Baseball players to strike - oh wait that is another boycott I got going on - I mean the Music industry to play their games.
We consumers have a lot of power, if we can organize and use that power we could change the world.
Think of the defunct WOW chips made with that special oil that you couldn't absorb. Because people didn't buy, the companies stopped making them.
IF we, the consumer, stopped buying records for just one month - the message would be sent loud and clear to the music industry.
Seriously, do we need the latest Lady GA-GA song this month - can't we wait just one month to put the Entertainment Corporations in their place?
Baseball: They went on strike, I haven't bought any items with a base ball logo on it, spent money on a game or anything like that. If more people did the same we could send a message to them. But we didn't. Shame on us.
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Wasn't America the land of the free? (As free speech is one freedom)