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SOPA: Your Opinion?
Quote:I bought over a thousand CD's from record companies (I have them all in a box). you figure 4-5 dollars a CD - that comes to about $4,500.00 I spend over the course of three years for music. That is $1,500 a year. Napster was closed down what 11 years ago?

4-5 dollar on a Cd is freaking cheap, Most Cd's in Sweden cost about 21-28 dollars a piece.

Sheash! You would think by peoples responses that the legislation is on the same level as China or Iran's Internet Censorship.

Zet Wrote:Wasn't America the land of the free? (As free speech is one freedom)

But not the land of the free where we give you what ever you want for free. Again, this is a little more complex than what you are trying to make it.

fenris Wrote:It is NOW not what the law says.... but do you really believe that a censorship stops when a government see that it works with their citizens ? I think the copyright law is very clear and shows what is allowed and what is forbidden, there is no need for a censorship.

Does it look like it is working, Fenris? Really? Do you think that if this legislation manages to pass, which could happen by a miracle, that there aren't an army of lawyers waiting to challenge its legality in court. My link above is from the American Civil Liberties Union . . . they have their own army of lawyers and they aren't nearly the tip of the iceburg.

This legislation, which you still have not read about . . . I can tell, is not designed to hamper free speech. It has the POTENTIAL to hamper free speech as an unintended effect while attempting to prohibit theft. Even the websites like Google and Wikipedia state that fact and are in favor of its intention. They just do not like its method.

Must everything be a damned conspiracy theory? Everywhere I turn these days there is another one . . . Bilderberg is doing this, the Government is doing that. I swear, if I ever wanted to hide a major conspiracy, I would put it in plain sight for everyone one to see. They are too busy trying to find a map to Atlantis in the fiber pasterns of the President's underwear. I swear historians will call the 21st Century the Age of Paranoia.

Here they tried to set up a law " Verbindungsdatenspeicherung".... means every connection you did from your private or busines-phone or PC ... every connection to the net, with logging of every Ip should be saved for 6 month... with number you called and every side you surfed. It passed the Bundesrat, came legally.... and forbidden by constutional court.
Its always the same.... if a government find a small hole to play bigbrother... it will be used

American imperialism at its worst. The issue here is not piracy, its that this legislation effectivley empowers the US to act as the police of the internet. They'd be able to issue takedown notices to any website globally with no evidence and no legal recourse.

I also agree with Fenris. This legislation will get misused, just like the anti-terror legislation in the UK has been misused.

Burn the witch!

I usually try to stay out of politics, but this is one of those things that gets me more involved. I am wholeheartedly against this bill. You can feel free to bash me on this, but one reason I believe this bill is far more about "greed" than anything else. These people in Hollywood, these big television corporations, etc. seem to have fallen into the mind set that it is all about the money. I may only be 25 but what happened to the days when people took joy knowing that others enjoyed their work simple for the entertainment value?

Though maybe I see it this way because of my up-bringing, idk. Then again maybe I am still missing something. But that is just my 2 cents on the matter. Honestly though, I believe that our government will pass this bill and abuse it's power.

Inchante Wrote:Does it look like it is working, Fenris? Really? Do you think that if this legislation manages to pass, which could happen by a miracle, that there aren't an army of lawyers waiting to challenge its legality in court. My link above is from the American Civil Liberties Union . . . they have their own army of lawyers and they aren't nearly the tip of the iceburg.

This legislation, which you still have not read about . . . I can tell, is not designed to hamper free speech. It has the POTENTIAL to hamper free speech as an unintended effect while attempting to prohibit theft. Even the websites like Google and Wikipedia state that fact and are in favor of its intention. They just do not like its method.

Must everything be a damned conspiracy theory? Everywhere I turn these days there is another one . . . Bilderberg is doing this, the Government is doing that. I swear, if I ever wanted to hide a major conspiracy, I would put it in plain sight for everyone one to see. They are too busy trying to find a map to Atlantis in the fiber pasterns of the President's underwear. I swear historians will call the 21st Century the Age of Paranoia.

Are you saying that you're the only one to have understood the extensions of this law? And are you calling the bosses of Wikipedia and Reddit badly informed? If they are boycotting or closing down their sites today, it must be for a very good reason. Paranoia or no paranoia... It still seems a good idea, in the light of everything that goes on in the world today to be vigilant.

I think we all can probably guess what'll happen (like some of you have already) should this pass the senate. I don't think it will pass : )

If it does, I think people will find a way around it. Look at what happened with the ban of alcohol. And besides I highly doubt Americans want to be censored, we won't' stand for it. I'm just waiting to see what;s going to happen! this is exciting, because it affects us all, so we should all be involved as much as we can!

PurpleHusky Wrote:I usually try to stay out of politics, but this is one of those things that gets me more involved. I am wholeheartedly against this bill. You can feel free to bash me on this, but one reason I believe this bill is far more about "greed" than anything else. These people in Hollywood, these big television corporations, etc. seem to have fallen into the mind set that it is all about the money. I may only be 25 but what happened to the days when people took joy knowing that others enjoyed their work simple for the entertainment value?

That thought process is silly. The record companies and Hollywood should stop caring about money for the sake of other peoples enjoyment? Online sites like demonid and pirate bay and programs like napster should be illegal. Every time someone downloads music movies etc without paying for it they are taking money out of other peoples pockets. Downloading music for free is infringing on copyrights and to think otherwise is selfish.

Honestly if money shouldn't be an issue and it's greed your so concerned about don't hoarde your money and start buying your digital media.

EDIT: I didnt mean to sound as much like a jerk as my response would seem....I just could not disagree more

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