Update; New Addition
Hey guys. I've been working my butt off, and last week Thursday, a little girl came to the Zoo crying, saying her mother wanted to get rid of the turtle, so she wanted to donate it to the Zoo.
But the thing is, the Zoo doesn't accept brought in animals[except for very special circumstances - such as rare or endangered animals] and especially the particular species of turtle she brought[which is the same kind I already own -Sora! :p ] and they usually euthanize the animal, which is in adherence to the law. Especially in regards to Red Ear Slider turtles, because they're invasive and are destroying our local ecosystem.
So my friend & co-worker felt bad for her, so she took the little girl's turtle home and I was going to take it when she left the island[she's applying to a Zoo in england], but her and her girlfriend[yes, she's a big lesbo <3 and I love her lesbo-ness :p] couldn't take care of him fulltime, so she asked me to take him, and so now I have another turtle

He's about 2-3inches smaller than Sora, shell length, and is already sexually mature and already melanistic[which is kind of odd, since he's not that old]. He has a slight case of a nutrional shell deformity, and actually got fed too
much protein, and which is known as Pyramiding or Coning, when the shell grows too fast and spikes upward, which is extremely uncommon in most, to all Sliders.
Anyway, I just introduced him to Sora today, and they seem to have hit it off pretty well. He's extremely docile, as opposed to Sora being overly out-going. So she made the first move :p.
His name is Ted, which is what my Friend/co-worker named him, but I call him Teddy :p.
I moved Trevor and put Ted in his old tank. Very basic right now :p
This is today's pics. I just introduced them when I got off work.
Notice the size difference. Although, males are generally smaller anyway.
My hand was in these shots because, I had to watch for possible aggression, as turtles sometimes don't get along and can seriously injure one another.
And that's it for now. They're currently running around outside and Teddy is exploring the yard
Sora's teaching him all the naughty things to do... such as climbing the steps... lol.