If god is real... what is it?
A Black Woman?
A Black Man?
A White Woman?
A White Man?
A Chinese Woman?
A Chinese Man?
Any of the world's many ethnicities?
Or is God so far beyond racial ethnicities, that there really is no literal expression of being, of which we are accostumed to?
Maybe it's a spiritual being or a nature spirit?
Or maybe the planet is god and we don't know it, and we are literally destroying our god.
Where do prayers go? To the deity itself?
Or if it's the earth, do they sustain the earth's life force, like in the Video Game;
Final Fantasy?
Is that the real reason why the earth is dying? Because people aren't praying enough and dis-respecting the planet?
Or maybe prayers are man's way of ridding themselves of their guilt and sins, lest they go mad.
How does the human brain systematically work? What allows us to have self recognition, a trait that is not very common among animals?
Why are we the only animals on earth capable of what we are capable of, especially the choice between monogamy and polygamy?
What allows us to have a retainable thought process, which allows us to predict, make decisions and think in general for all purposes of the word. Who decided that we could be this way, and why aren't any other creatures like us?
If other creatures are like us, where are they? Do they not like us? Are they learning from us, or are we them, but in their past, and they our future?
Are they watching us, their past selves, from the future and are trying to right wrongs they committed in the past, which is our present, so that our future, which is their present, can be a better place?
Can any of you answer all of my questions?