02-16-2012, 09:11 PM
Soooooooooooo , I've been thinking, and believe me, that not a good thing
I've been thinking about the seemingly simplistic Dichotimization of us Males that's been occuring for millions of years (females too, but I want to focus on the male side of things). It's intriguing to me that, although we've come this far and have achieved so much,we seem to be still stuck back in the stone ages when everything was black and white?
Let me explain
Okay, so we all know about males and females right? All the parts, hormones, differences, similarities and everything in between correct? Well, I want to discuss this odd phenomenon of effemiphobia and hyper masculinity/ "straight-acting" in today's society, especially the gay one(s).
From what I can gather, Men are supposed to be men and have ; Bulging muscles, six packs, beards/moustaches, deep gruff voices and basically no feminine qualities, am I right? Well, I was hoping that I was wrong, but it seems that's how people, men in particular, feel men should be and basically would accept no less. I mean, from an individualistic stand point, I'd say go for it and be who you are, but why shut down some one else's individualism/persona, because it doesn't fit with the status quo?
To clearify, the meaning of Dichotomy(Dichotimization) is to start at point A and then have two(or more) branches divided from A, while retaining their own specific qualities/attributes, as well as that of A.
So to say for instance, A is the big muscly dude with no femininity, and then as time goes on, A then becomes A, B-The man with feminine traits and C-The bisexual or "hybrid" of sorts.
Does this not mean that, from A (the all around "male") comes forth B, It's total opposite in all things "male"? Many people would say that, being gay (especially feminine) is a freak accident in the division of A, but wouldn't that mean that A actually originally held the qualities that B and C got, as it was the original? B and C are bi-products of the division of A, so the traits would have to come from their root, A.
This basically means that, why call a feminine man a woman, when in reality, that very same man shares the same qualities as you(if you identify with A), as we all came from the same "point A".
"Men looking for Men" or "Straight acting looking for the same" is basically saying, no feminine guys, but what's really being said is, "A looking for another A", which is actually not true, because technically we all share the same traits, straight,gay,bisexual or otherwise.
This isn't the case for the entire world, and most people don't think like this, but it is an issue and it's definetly tangeable.
I've read online and heard in real life, men (both straight and gay) say that they would never date a man who is feminine, because it's practically the same as being with a woman. Now personally, I am feminine, but it stops at wearing make-up/wearing dresses and what not, but when someone says something like that, it's offensive, because we are also men. It's like calling a "straight acting/masculine man" gorillas or apes, because that's how the "stereotypical male" is portrayed (hairy, big muscles, very gruff).
When the masculine gay men claim to be "real men" , isn't that a blow to every man who doesn't meet the same standards? It's really anti-progressive when you think about it, and if you think on it even more, wasn't it the "femmes" who were the liberators?
Those "flaming" ones were the ones to stand up for gay rights and take most of the backlash (not to say non-feminine men didn't, but they could slip under the radar) and still do today. Personally, I think that "femmes" or the "B's" of the world are much stronger than the so called "real men" , not even including myself, because I do not go through what some feminine guys go through on a regular.
I think that, although we are so far ahead in the advancement of civilization sense, we are still behind in the way that we view each other, and how narrow the colour spectrum is when it comes to individualism.
I won't touch such things as Androgens and chemicals that influence us in utero, but I would consider looking that up, as it is very informitave and could help explain a few things.
What do you guys think? It was kind of a rant, but I tried to make sense of it (my brain works so weird
I do not mean to insult anyone, but I tried to get my point across as best as I could
. So please don't get riled up, pure academic interest on my part :biggrin: .
(P.s I identify with being feminine, but realistically I prefer to just be me, as a human with a profound sense of individualism [I love that word :tongue:] )

I've been thinking about the seemingly simplistic Dichotimization of us Males that's been occuring for millions of years (females too, but I want to focus on the male side of things). It's intriguing to me that, although we've come this far and have achieved so much,we seem to be still stuck back in the stone ages when everything was black and white?
Let me explain

Okay, so we all know about males and females right? All the parts, hormones, differences, similarities and everything in between correct? Well, I want to discuss this odd phenomenon of effemiphobia and hyper masculinity/ "straight-acting" in today's society, especially the gay one(s).
From what I can gather, Men are supposed to be men and have ; Bulging muscles, six packs, beards/moustaches, deep gruff voices and basically no feminine qualities, am I right? Well, I was hoping that I was wrong, but it seems that's how people, men in particular, feel men should be and basically would accept no less. I mean, from an individualistic stand point, I'd say go for it and be who you are, but why shut down some one else's individualism/persona, because it doesn't fit with the status quo?
To clearify, the meaning of Dichotomy(Dichotimization) is to start at point A and then have two(or more) branches divided from A, while retaining their own specific qualities/attributes, as well as that of A.
So to say for instance, A is the big muscly dude with no femininity, and then as time goes on, A then becomes A, B-The man with feminine traits and C-The bisexual or "hybrid" of sorts.
Does this not mean that, from A (the all around "male") comes forth B, It's total opposite in all things "male"? Many people would say that, being gay (especially feminine) is a freak accident in the division of A, but wouldn't that mean that A actually originally held the qualities that B and C got, as it was the original? B and C are bi-products of the division of A, so the traits would have to come from their root, A.
This basically means that, why call a feminine man a woman, when in reality, that very same man shares the same qualities as you(if you identify with A), as we all came from the same "point A".
"Men looking for Men" or "Straight acting looking for the same" is basically saying, no feminine guys, but what's really being said is, "A looking for another A", which is actually not true, because technically we all share the same traits, straight,gay,bisexual or otherwise.
This isn't the case for the entire world, and most people don't think like this, but it is an issue and it's definetly tangeable.
I've read online and heard in real life, men (both straight and gay) say that they would never date a man who is feminine, because it's practically the same as being with a woman. Now personally, I am feminine, but it stops at wearing make-up/wearing dresses and what not, but when someone says something like that, it's offensive, because we are also men. It's like calling a "straight acting/masculine man" gorillas or apes, because that's how the "stereotypical male" is portrayed (hairy, big muscles, very gruff).
When the masculine gay men claim to be "real men" , isn't that a blow to every man who doesn't meet the same standards? It's really anti-progressive when you think about it, and if you think on it even more, wasn't it the "femmes" who were the liberators?
Those "flaming" ones were the ones to stand up for gay rights and take most of the backlash (not to say non-feminine men didn't, but they could slip under the radar) and still do today. Personally, I think that "femmes" or the "B's" of the world are much stronger than the so called "real men" , not even including myself, because I do not go through what some feminine guys go through on a regular.
I think that, although we are so far ahead in the advancement of civilization sense, we are still behind in the way that we view each other, and how narrow the colour spectrum is when it comes to individualism.
I won't touch such things as Androgens and chemicals that influence us in utero, but I would consider looking that up, as it is very informitave and could help explain a few things.
What do you guys think? It was kind of a rant, but I tried to make sense of it (my brain works so weird

I do not mean to insult anyone, but I tried to get my point across as best as I could

(P.s I identify with being feminine, but realistically I prefer to just be me, as a human with a profound sense of individualism [I love that word :tongue:] )
![[Image: polls_just_me_0043_478623_answer_2_xlarge.jpeg]](http://images.sodahead.com/polls/000834929/polls_just_me_0043_478623_answer_2_xlarge.jpeg)