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  Lady Gaga says hermaphrodite rumours are 'ridiculous'
Posted by: andy - 09-07-2009, 08:15 AM - Forum: Gay-News - No Replies

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/outladygaga.jpg[/img2]Lady Gaga has branded claims she is a hermaphrodite "ridiculous". The 'Poker Face' singer furiously denied rumours she has both male and female genitalia, insisting the speculation has gone beyond a joke.

The 23-year-old bisexual star told Australia's Matt and Jo radio show: "It's too low brow for me to even discuss. I've made fun of it before but to talk about it is ridiculous."

Gaga - whose real name is Stefani Germanotta - has previously made light of the claims, jokingly posting on a blog: "I have both male and female genitalia, but I consider myself a female."

Meanwhile, the outrageous star has revealed she spends her free time watching her own concerts on YouTube. She said: "I like to watch my performances sometimes. I'm always trying to improve on choreography and the stage shows. I like to watch the lighting. "I often argue with my lighting designer on the show - as much as I like to light the show for the room, it's important to light the show and design the sound for YouTube. "In truth, lots of my fans can't make it to my shows in Israel or Germany or in Paris, so they go online to watch them."

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  Gay marriage advert in Ireland becomes surprise Youtube hit
Posted by: andy - 09-07-2009, 08:13 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (4)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/sineadshandvid.jpg[/img2]An ad from Irish gay marriage group MarriagEquality has become a worldwide hit on the internet.

The video, titled Sinead's Hand, sees a smartly-dressed young man traipsing through streets and the Irish countryside asking everyone he meets for 'Sinead's' hand in marriage.

Towards the end of the film, a message appears on screen: "How would you feel if you had to ask four million people permission to get married? Lesbian and gay men are denied access to marriage in Ireland."

Irish actor Hugh O’Connor plays the young man and the soundtrack is Ocean and Rock by Lisa Hannigan.

After being launched at GAZE, the Dublin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, the film is now being virally marketed around the world and has become something of a hit.

It has been viewed 54,000 times on YouTube by people from all over the world.

Andrew Hyland, spokesman for MarriagEquality, said "There was already a US version but we wanted an Irish version to make it more relevant to people."

"All the settings will be very familiar to Irish people, depending on where you're from. There are lots of recognisable sites."

"The actor, Hugh O'Connor, is very famous. He was in Chocolat with Johnny Depp and also My Left Foot. And Lisa Hannigan, who performs the soundtrack, is very popular with Irish people. We called it Sinead's Hand as Sinead is a very Irish [female] name and we thought it sounded short and cute."

"The film was really made to motivate people. When we premiered it at the Dublin Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, the reaction was amazing. The message at the end got a big round of applause."

"Apparently it is spreading like wildfire. People from the UK, Ireland, America and all over the world have seen it. It's one of those things that once you've seen it, it stays with you."

Currently, gay marriage and civil partnerships are not legal in Ireland but the Irish parliament is to debate proposed legislation on civil partnerships this month.

It passed, it will grant gay and lesbian couples legal recognition in areas such as pensions, social security, property rights, tax, succession and the payment of maintenance.

However, various advocacy groups are becoming more vocal in their calls for gay marriage.

The government has ruled it out, claiming that it would require a change to the country's constitution and a potentially divisive referendum.

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  Gay 'holding hands in public' campaign goes monthly
Posted by: andy - 09-03-2009, 09:18 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (15)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/holdinghands.jpg[/img2]A Day in Hand, the campaign to encourage LGBT people to hold hands in public, is asking them to show their affection publicly on the last Saturday of each month.

The first Sshh! (same-sex hand-holding) Saturday will be on September 26th, to remember July's shooting at a gay bar in Tel Aviv, Israel.

The campaign has received the backing of a number of celebrities such as mayor of London Boris Johnson, Peter Tatchell and Boy George and is an attempt to allow gay, bisexual and trans people to feel more comfortable in public.

A Day In Hand founder David Watkins is trying to make Sshh! Saturdays a worldwide event and is asking people to uphold photos of themselves holding hands to [email protected].

He said: "Sshh! Saturdays aims to ultimately create safer spaces for LGBT people. As the idea of Sshh! Saturdays grow in popularity and spread across the world, the last Saturday of every month will become a day of support for LGBT people who want to show their commitment in public. Many years ago in the UK, LGBT people knew that the last carriage of every train would be populated by members of the queer community. Today, A Day In Hand wants people to feel the same sense of support in public spaces on the last Saturday of every month."

He continued: "Same-sex hand-holding (Sshh!) is a silent revolution for LGBT people, because nothing needs to be said: no bold speeches, no reactive arguments, no war of words. Each LGBT person has the power to change the hearts and minds of people in their local community quietly, subtly, by simply holding hands publicly and owning their space. However, hand-holding is a simple powerful gesture that can happen anywhere, at any time."

For those who live in areas where same-sex affection is public is not safe, Watkins stressed that the campaign was not asking people to ignore their "survival instincts".

Instead, he said: "We are asking people to think about public displays of affection in more creative, less obtrusive ways. If you can’t hold hands in your immediate area, how about resting your head on your partner’s shoulder at the cinema, or kissing them good-bye in the car? We have to start expressing our love in the mainstream."

[Image: Eminem+holding+hands+with+Elton+John+at+...+photo.jpg]
Eminem and Elton holding hands at the 2001 Grammys :-)

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  UK Lesbian parents can now be named on birth certificates
Posted by: andy - 09-02-2009, 08:34 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (2)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/babylesbian.jpg[/img2]As of yesterday, lesbian couples who have children through fertility treatment can be named on birth certificates.

Previously, only the birth mother could be named as a parent.

The changes to the Registration of Births and Deaths Regulations 1987 apply to any child born after fertility treatment which began on or after April 6th 2009.

This new right was introduced as part of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill which was approved by the House of Commons last year. It brings the UK's fertility laws in line with equality legislation.

Home Office minister Lord Brett said: "This positive change means that for the first time female couples who have a child using fertility treatment have the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts to be shown as parents in the birth registration.

"It is vital that we afford equality wherever we can in society, especially as family circumstances continue to change. This is an important step forward in that process."

Stonewall’s head of policy and research, Ruth Hunt, said: "As the law improves to provide further equality, knowing your new rights will help people make full use of the services they’re entitled to. And, if discrimination occurs, the same knowledge can help them demand fair treatment.

"Now lesbian couples in the UK who make a considered decision to start a loving family will finally be afforded equal access to services they help fund as taxpayers.

"So life for lesbian families isn’t only fairer – it’s also much easier."

The move has already drawn criticism from some quarters, with Conservative MP Nadine Dorries telling the BBC: "If we want to build a stable society, a mother and father and children works as the best model. We should be striving towards repairing and reinforcing marriage. I think this move sends out the exact opposite message."

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  Lesbian reality TV show created by The L Word producers
Posted by: andy - 09-02-2009, 08:33 AM - Forum: Gay-News - No Replies

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/thelword.jpg[/img2]The producers of the original lesbian series The L Word are set to create a new reality TV show, entitled The Real L Word: Los Angeles.

Focusing on the lives of real LA lesbians, producers hope the show will appeal to fans of the fictional drama starring Katherine Moennig and Clementine Ford.

Showtime has given the go-ahead for nine episodes of the new show, with L Word creator Ilene Chaiken at the helm.

Speaking of the forthcoming series, she said: "Even though we concluded our sixth season of 'The L Word' on Showtime this past March, I believe we are not nearly finished telling our 'L Word' stories."

Chaiken continued: "Showtime has yet again come forward to continue with us this mission to entertain and enlighten and bring more 'L' to the world."

However Showtime did not pick up Chaiken's idea for an L Word spin-off, provisionally entitled The Farm, which was expected to star Leisha Hailey.

The Real L Word: Los Angeles is expected to air in the US in 2010.

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  Tory gay group launched at Manchester Pride
Posted by: andy - 09-02-2009, 08:33 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (2)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/gaytory.jpg[/img2]A Tory-affiliated gay group has been officially launched at Manchester Pride.

LGBTory had a stall during the bank holiday festivities, while members marched in the parade to showcase the new rainbow Tory logo and the slogan 'Conservative and Proud'.

Matthew Sephton, the chairman of LGBTory, said: "The weekend was a tremendous success. We had an excellent team in the parade and had loads of fun doing it.We were flying the flag for the modern Conservatives and for the LGBT community and had lots of attention from the many thousands of people who lined the parade route through the city.

"On our stall, we had a great deal of interest in both LGBTory and the Conservatives generally. People were positive about us being there and were very happy to see us. As a group we are looking forward to working with all LGBT groups and other Conservative groups to continue the change needed to stamp out homophobia at all levels of society, once and for all."

The launch of the group follows news that a gay event is to be held at the party's annual conference next month.

Conference Pride will be held at Spirit Bar in the heart of Manchester's gay village on Tuesday October 6th.

Guests will include shadow equalities minister Theresa May, Conservative Party vice chair Margot James, shadow environment secretary Nick Herbert, chief executive of Stonewall Ben Summerskill and political blogger Iain Dale.

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  National Equality March, Oct. 11
Posted by: CurtCB - 08-29-2009, 07:14 PM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (6)

I will be there with my two gay cousins and a troupe of "performance artists"
I would invite every gay American to be there too.

What the National Equality March Is About

This isn't about one small legislative item or one Congress person's vote. It's about the culture shift - the new demand for equality that sees us as entitled to all of our rights instead of weakly asking for them.
This is about the interweave between our community and immigrants; some of us have partners currently caught in the bi-national trap.
This is about how we treat people of color, women, the disabled, and the ill - both inside and outside of our own LGBT community.
This is about workers and not just queer ones; we all have the same employers and how has corporate America treated you lately?
This is about police brutality, crimes meant to scare whole communities, and racial, ethnic, and gender identity profiling and stereotyping.
This is about taking our place at the table instead of fighting for scraps. This is about bringing us all up to the same place instead of narrowly advancing one small agenda at the cost of another.
I'm marching because my rights are bigger than a march. I'm marching because I want to see equality across America and not just for me. I want to see women, people of color, immigrants, workers, the LGBT community, and everyone else stand up and say, "Enough."
The wild conspiracy theories, breathless reporting and baseless accusations don't empower us. It's time we lifted ourselves out of the muck of "That's mine. This is yours.", and realized that to win true equality across America we have to step outside our usual boundaries.
No, this march isn't about Prop 8. It's not about ENDA. It's not about hate crimes, DADT, or Maine's marriage fight.
It's about all of that and then some. It's about saying, "I'm entitled to all of these rights. I'm not asking you to give them to me. I'm demanding them. I'm a human too and I'm just as worthy as you are."

-Bill Browning

The Bilerico Project | Daily experiments in LGBTQ

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  Uk Police and their new anti blind people task force.
Posted by: albabonzai - 08-28-2009, 08:08 AM - Forum: UK-News - Replies (4)

Read this.

BBC NEWS | Wales | South West Wales | Blind man arrested over protest

I am really angry at this. The Police are obviouslys setting up some sort of special task force as the guy got 50 feet from his house and was arrested. Guys serioulsy thats the fastest call out in history, the Guiness world record guys should add it. Am i just angry or is this pathetic. They did nothing to help him against the many law breaking motorists who have put him in harms way but when he says hes gonna brake the law they had him in the station within 5 mins!!

"Dyfed-Powys Police said the force had held a crackdown on illegal parking in Narberth last month" - Oh so you couldnt do anything about it now as you were looking into illegaly made jam donughts, or the entire force was on leave, no seriously WTF??

"A spokesperson added: "It is unfortunate Mr Duckfield decided to take matters into his own hands on this occasion."" -Well you obv were not going to do anything you lazy arsed police chief.


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  Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick has gay kiss in new series
Posted by: andy - 08-27-2009, 10:29 AM - Forum: Gay-News - Replies (3)

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/edwestwick.jpg[/img2]The upcoming series of teen drama Gossip Girl will see one of the male leads lock lips in a gay kiss.

The third series is currently in production in New York, and sources have revealed that Ed Westwick, who plays Chuck Bass, will have an encounter with a new gay character, university student Josh Ellis, played by Neal Bledose.

Gossip Girl has proved popular with gay fans on both sides of the Atlantic.

In 2008 Westwick's decision to share an apartment with co-star Chace Crawford led to rumours about their relationship.

Gossip blogs Perez Hilton and Queerty dot com claimed they had been contacted by reporters at NY Daily News and The New York Post claiming to have proof the heartthrobs were a couple.

Crawford's publicist has issued a statement to Us Weekly confirming that he is "100 percent straight."

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  US Gay Community pays tribute to Ted Kennedy
Posted by: andy - 08-27-2009, 10:29 AM - Forum: Gay-News - No Replies

[img2=left]http://www.gayspeak.com/forum/images/news/tedkennedy.jpg[/img2]America's leading LGBT rights organisation has paid fulsome tribute to Senator Ted Kennedy, who died yesterday aged 77.

"The nation has lost its greatest champion and strongest voice for justice, fairness, and compassion," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese.

"The loss to our community is immeasurable."

"There was no greater hero for advocates of LGBT equality than Senator Ted Kennedy."

"From the early days of the AIDS epidemic, to our current struggle for marriage equality he has been our protector, our leader, our friend."

"He has been the core of the unfinished quest for civil rights in this country and there is now a very painful void."

"Our hearts go out to the Kennedy family."

Senator Kennedy was the last of one of the most famous sets of brothers in US history.

Two were assassinated: President John F Kennedy in 1963 and former Attorney-General and Presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy in 1968. His oldest brother Joe was killed in action in World War Two.

Edward Kennedy had represented Massachusetts in the US Senate since 1962 and was a strong supporter of gay rights, most recently he had been calling for an end to the ban on gays in the military.

He also introduced legislation to expand federal hate crime laws to include crimes where the victims were targeted on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, and disability.

Senator Kennedy, who ran for President in 1980, is also remembered for his unrelenting fight for funding into AIDS research, at a time when conservatives were painting it as a "gay plague."

Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, a group that works to increase the number of LGBT people in elected office, mourned his death.

"Good men serve others but great men take care to serve the least fortunate," Victory Fund President and CEO Chuck Wolfe said.

"Senator Kennedy was a great man."

"He made a career of fighting for the poor, for women, for racial minorities, and for basic human rights for LGBT Americans."

"Senator Kennedy’s life was marked by generosity and a legendary tenacity that earned him the respect of his colleagues and the affection of the public he served."

"But he will always occupy a special place in the hearts of LGBT Americans, who saw in him a fierce champion for their full equality."

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