Gay Bars and Clubs are what you make of them..there are no absolute truths...
I started going to gay clubs in San Francisco in High School. I had a lot of gay friends in High School and we would go to Oil Can Harrys or The City or Buzzbys...usually one of us would have to get in good with the doorman or provide a few minutes of our time in private to gain entry...I had a blast.
On my 21st Birthday I was at a club and the waiter walked up to me and told me the bartender wanted to see me...they were both talking about it and thought I would be a good addition to their staff. It was a weird moment...the idea of working in a gay bar had never crossed my mind and I declined but Steve, the waiter, persisted all night and finally I agreed to try it a few night as I was in college.
I ended working in Gay nightclubs almost 20 years to the day...
After my last day bartending I have not set foot in ANY club nor will I ever again...but it isn't because I didn't have a great time...I did. It is just a chapter of my life that is closed now.
Do you have alot of clubs to choose from? The thing is...there are all different types of clubs and they all have different vibes and you have to find one that appeals to you.
I loved huge dance clubs myself when I was out alone because I liked to dance by myself...alone...for hours...I love the energy of a huge dance club....
...and one afternoon my friend wanted me to go with him to The Eagle which is kind of a man's man borderline leather/bear/fetish bar with LOTS of people wall to wall. I had on shorts.... when I could keep them up...I was NOT happy about being there at all and I got stuck in the back for almost an hour...had people pinching my chest hair and practically raping me and I could not get away. I cussed out my friend for the next hour

So the thing have to find a bar that has a vibe that you like. I also liked a few of the neighborhood bars and also the punk rock gay bars were fun for me as well.
I truly disliked the "poser bars" where people came to pose....and I also disliked the raunch bars...not a huge fan of the drag or piano bars either but I would take them over the posers and raunch:biggrin:
As for lesbian bars...I spent a weekend at Maudes once..that was fun as hell. I liked a few of the Lesbian Bars but definitely preferred the ones with the political feminist vibe.