SadSilence Wrote:I don't know what I'm fighting for, what Point there is in the future. My father removed all the sharp things I could possibly get my hands on so I don't cut, but today I found a tack under my bed and I've spent all day resisting it, looking at it and wondering why I'm fighting the urge. Because I made a stupid promise? Because why resist when it'll make the pain, the crushing void of nothing, the hopelessness, loneliness, and everything else go away? My chest feels likes it's calasping on itself, it can't support itself against the crushing void. Ninety percent of the day I feel nothing, I feel like I'm suspended above the world and that at any moment I'll fall. The impact will be the deep rumbling echoes of the hollowness with in me. I see despair, pain, and the void of nothing.
You're fighting for you.
Your dad sounds like a great father. I'm very close with my dad. He would tell me that I could talk to him about anything. And, we did/do talk about so many things. But, guess what? When I was going through my conflict, I shut him out even though he continually made the effort. I hope you learn from my mistake and trust your dad. Now that I look back, I went through a lot of unnecessary pain without my best friend, my most ardent supporter, my loving shield --my dad.
My dad was the first person I came out to last August. Both of my parents suspected but they didn't know what to do, how to approach things and they had no idea the depth of my turmoil. We've had some really good discussions since and I've found it is important to understand THEY are very much a product of THEIR childhood and THEIR life experiences and they don't always know what to do when raising us. We kind of have to help them along.
When I finally came out to my dad, I told him EVERYTHING and honestly, we both cried.
mile: To me, the best thing he said that day, was that he loved me no matter what and he wanted me happy, he wanted me healthy and he wanted me safe. I kind of suspect, your dad would say something very similar to mine. Everyone has their own timing and when it feels right, but in my opinion and from what you've told us, your dad is trying so hard to be there for you, you might want to give him all the facts. I wish I had talked to my dad sooner. Maybe think about it?
You are doing so much right, Silence.
You've developed a Buddy system - your dad and us (I think it's great that you're writing to us on here).
I agree with
mrk2010. Why don't you walk up to your dad and hand him the tack? Physically make yourself do it, tell him you need a hug after and tell him that was really difficult for you to do. I think it would really empower you.
The next time it will get easier. And, then before you know it, you can look at certain things and just see a tack, not a potential tool to harm yourself.
East, posted a number for you in your last thread. I'm quoting him here. Maybe you and your dad can call together and get you a little more support? Your dad might be at a lost on how to help.
East Wrote:Have you ever tried calling one of the helplines?
(800) 273-8255 or 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288) National Adolescent Suicide Hotline
SadSilence Wrote:I want a normal life, I want to be able to take my date to the movies and share a kiss or two without having people judge, not because it's open display of affect but because we're two men and not a man and woman. I'd rather die than lead a gay life. I can't take! Going through life knowing this... This fact. I want to look at a girl and be able to say she's beautiful and have it be more than a mere compliment, I want to be able to look at a guy and say he's good looking without it being anything more than a mere compliment. What am I fighting for?
There's nothing wrong with being gay. You can have a very normal life. I think girls are beautiful, but they don't turn me on. There is nothing I can do about that. It's a fact.
I make a few posts in the Stud of the Day Thread, and it's in fun. But the thing is, it's very freeing to have other gay guy friends to smile/laugh with and share that a certain guy is hot, cute, makes you do a double-take, whatever. I have an obvious type and it's laughable. But, it's kind of a bonding experience that we don't get in school. Here, you're free.
So, Silence what's your type? :tongue:
Finding small ways to enjoy being gay might be a starting point to realizing we are quite normal, if not superior! :biggrin:
But, being gay is just a part of you. A very important part, but not all you are about.
And for me, holding hands or kissing in public really isn't what's important when you're in a relationship. It's more that you know when to hold that person when they are upset, or when they need a gentle kiss to make them feel stronger. Judge
yourself on who you are in quiet moments of your life, not on what others might think.
Have you read the story of Jonathan and David? I really think Jonathan was gay, David was bi but Jonathan was gay.
Maybe read chapter 18 of I Samuel. And then, 2 Samuel 1:25 - 1:26. It is a beautiful love story; I even think a little erotic.
Quote:from the Hebrew
1- When [David] finished speaking with Saul, Jonathan's soul became bound up with the soul of David; Jonathan loved David as himself......
3 - Jonathan and David made a pact, because [Jonathan] loved him as himself.
And, after you read 2 Samuel --> Why would David say that Jonathan's love was more wonderful to him than the love of a woman?
I think Jonathan was fighting for his dream in that story. How many times does Jonathan defy his father, the King, for David?
You're fighting for your dreams. You're fighting to be unapologetically you. Be in it for the win.