OK. Here it goes. I am married with two children. I have the proverbial perfect life. Except for he fact that I have come to the realizaion that I have been suppressing my sexuality forever. I grew up in a family where being gay was not accepted so I always did what I was supposed to do. Now the feelings are so strong that I know the lack of love and intimacy with my wife is killing her. I do not want to hurt her anymore but either way I am going to.
I live in Cleveland, not the best place to be gay. Is there anyone who has gone through this who can talk to me about their experience? This is really hard.
Any advice would be appreciated.
The following 1 member Likes BrandonBrown's post:1 member Likes BrandonBrown's post
Welcome to gayspeak, i hope we can help and you stay to contribute.
-i hung in there till the children were out of the house.
-i never told anyone. There was nothing she could have done and i did not need forgiveness (born that way). I did not need understanding, my eyes were wide open.
-there might be some publications out there to help if you want to chance they be around you
I was about your age when it started. I originally though a gay relationship was so perfect. Actually they are the same and i discovered this early on while i was married. So then I thought the risk of infecting my wife my very dear best friend, with a std or hiv, was too high to go whoring around. so what is stupid me to do.
talk more if you want but thats the basics for me anyways.
The following 1 member Likes pellaz's post:1 member Likes pellaz's post
Hi Brandon,
welcome to the forum.
I am sorry I don't have a useful advice for you, but I am willing to bet the others will.
Do you know what your wife thinks about gays? Do you think that she can understand what you are going through?
@BrandonBrown :
My Dear u have ruined the life of ur kids
Being closeted don't mean ur wrong but accepting urself is very important
Its nothing to the world what u are than u believing what u really are !
I am a Middle-eastern origined in Asia (India now)
Christian but no matter what bible says I believe its written by humans & not God
& i believe Jesus blessed me being a gay its only him that i a what i am today
i was same like u & im still not out of the closet entirely but i wont ruin the life of anyone to play the game of straight man
Now if u separate ur kids would be in a condition of mental distress when parents separate
Hey Brandon,
I am in a very similar position (38 yrs old). I'm married with 3 boys. My wife has always known I've "struggled" with my sexuality (I told her b4 we got married) and she has been very accepting of my struggle to remain faithful to her while largely suppressing my sexual desires. It's SOOO hard. I love her so much but know it hurts her when I'm hit hard with my "struggle" and we are rarely intimate. These last few months, especially, I have really been depressed because I feel like my opportunities to explore this side of me are slipping away. My family life is great, good job, etc. but this one area won't let me be content. It's nice to know others deal with this, but I feel bad because I know it's so difficult for you. I wish I had an answer, but I'm afraid I'm still looking myself. I'm scared that I'm going to "stray" at some point and hurt her.
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03-23-2012, 08:57 PM
(Edited 03-23-2012, 09:01 PM by Rawr.)
Hi Brandon, I can’t say I have much experience in this; in fact I have none at all. But, hopefully what I say will help you.
I think there are a lot of variables to take into consideration, such as your outlook on life and death for that matter. For instance, you may have heard the phrase “we only have one life” tossed around a lot. Assuming this to be correct is it truly fair to waste little time your wife has on the planet? Furthermore is it fair on your self to waste that amount of time?
The truth is, if you don’t love her in that way, every second you spend as a couple is time wasted in finding your “soul mate”. I know it’s scary, and both of you may be feeling anxiety of the thought of never finding anyone else and being alone. But, this isn’t the end of a relationship, I assume there will be tension of course, but if you both truly loved each other I’m sure you can both overcome the harsh feelings. You can both stay as good friends and help each other out in life, who knows you may fall back in love with one another, or does that just happen in cheesy films?
Me personally, If I was you I would have a talk with your wife. I’d say write a letter if you are afraid but I just don’t think that would be fair on her. It may seem that you’ve wasted time together, but don’t believe that as I’m sure if you think about it, you must have a lot of happy memorable moments during your relationship. So I’d say sit her down and discuss with her the situation in hand. Mention how much you care for her and how living the life you are now would not be fair for her. I assume she will get very upset and angry but don’t let this scare you away. Be Calm, Be persistent and most of all Be Gentle.
Now if we bring the kids into the scenario things get a little more troublesome but that shouldn’t be too much of a hassle. You have a few options here although they would need to be agreed upon by you and your wife. The first option would be to tell you kids of your sexuality and to reassure them that nothing will change, you’ll still be there father and you’ll always love them no matter what. The second option would be to stick to your marriage although perhaps discuss with your wife the option of having an open relationship. When the kids reach a mature age, assuming that they aren’t already, tell them.
The last point I would like to make is don’t be homophobic. Don’t make homophobic remarks around your family or friends. Mainly your family as you don’t want your kids gaining the view that homosexuality is wrong. You may use homophobia as a self defence to hide your true feelings, though when it comes to coming out, the people around you might have adopted your views and then you’d be the only one to blame. I’m not saying you do say homophobic remarks, I doubt that you do, but I’m just pointing it out.
I over think things, so what I’ve said may come across as confusing. I hope that it helped and please take what I say with a pinch of salt. I’ve wrote this under my own assumptions, but as I don’t know much about you, I may be wrong about many aspects. I hope all goes well and good luck with which ever path you choose to take.
I cn sympathise and infact empathise wit u n i i think i would b in the same situation as u r now wen i will get married in nxt 8-10 yrs...I dont knw whtr I shud advice u or not bcoz m way 2 younger then u but out of thots I can tell u dat wat u cn do
1-if u r rlly feeling horny wants to have sex ONLY wit a guy the I would say go for it(though u might feel guilty later if u have been loyal till now)
2nd-Find a partner who is married and also facing the same problem lyk u..dis way u both wud undersntd each others' problem n cn maintain a healthy frnship, cn hve sex wit him n shre ur feelings n u wud feel complete n u wud not feel frustrated..(but again this may b infedility)
3rd-(this is the least option or u cn say last resort if all fails)-Tell your wife abt ur sexuality but do tell her hw much u luv her n hw much supressed ur sexuality for her..I can assure u she wud understnd,U both tke a brk from each other(but give her a belief n trust that u r always wit her till ur death).u stay alone for sumtym or go for a vacation alone...try to figure out with clear mind..wat r u missing n wat u want..but while u r on vacation plzz go wit a free mind...N I have a question for u since u r expericned...Do u think then I shud get married.I will wait for ur answer