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Constant High Body Temperature[FUO]

For 5, going on 6 years now, basically since purberty, I've had tremendously high body temperature.

It's not something that hurts or anything and is actually pretty normal for me, but when it gets really hot [88F +] is when I really start to feel it and causes my skin to turn red. Not easy living on a traditionally hot island Wink .

I don't measure it constantly, but it always frequents the 100-102F ranges, even though the normal average is 98-99F.

I'm not sure if it's because I live on an island or what, but when I turn the AC on is when I can actually feel it, because my skin begins to cool.

Oddly, I don't sweat as much as you think I would, pretty much the same as other people.

I had to be exused from Gym alot,because I would get too hot and basically overheat.

I googled it like crazy and they always say something about a fever, but I know for a fact that it's not. I have none of the symptoms they talk about and it's been constant like this for 5 going on 6 years.

I've been checked out and everything and they say everything is good and just advise me to keep drinking loads of water.

The only thing seemingly fitting to this is something called Fever of Unknown Origins, because they cannot identify it as an actual fever.

Even now as I'm typing this, I can especially feel it, because the weather is warm tonight/morning[it's 1:50am], which is another thing.

Because of this, I can especially feel damp and cold weather and warm weather as well, and have to constantly open or close windows, because my family doesn't seem to feel it.

When I touch any part of my skin, it's cool to the touch or I guess normal, but when someone else touches me, they always ask if I have a fever.

I'm not sure if this is common or not, but it intrigued me to see if anyone else experiences or has experienced this. I know they say women's hormonal changes can cause similar symptoms, but nothing about men.

It's probably incurable whatever it is, but it is convienent when it's about to rain, kind of like a precaution :biggrin: .[Sort of Prickles]

Any similar experiences?[so I don't feel so weird...:redface:]
[Image: 207050_xlarge.jpg]

Best not to self diagnose and better understand your body.

Try running a search on Body Core Temperatures and come across links this THIS

Temperature regulation and perception differ from person to person. When the temperature gets under 15c, I'm freezing and rug up while those around me are still in t-shirts.

But i'm not suprised you are HOT Wink

Hi Odi,

my friend asked at another forum. Some people had similar problems, doctors usually said that they were ok.
The diseases they were diagnosed after all (sometimes years after the first problems occurred):

inflammation of several different kinds
Crohn's disease
celiac disease
serious autoimmune disease

I guess your thermo regulation center in your brain can malfunction, but that's just my guess.
I think your doctors should not leave you with simple You are ok. Apparently, you are not...

I try not to go online too much when I don't feel well because it totally messes with my head...
I do know that higher body temperature is better than a a low one because it means higher metabolism and stronger immune system.
But it must be tough if you live in a a hot area.

I hope its nothing serious Smile

You should visit a doctor in order to be 100% sure,
By any chance do you know your hematocrit or if you have an increased level of Thyroid Hormones?
Both could rise your body temperature but im not so sure in what degree sou you should better get checked.
Prevention is better than the treatment Smile

get an accurate digital thermometer for your self and track your body temperature in a journal. Make notes on events of the day. Correlation?

I would be worried of long term effects. You may need to find a doctor who specializes in this stuff.

Oh my, so many suggestions Confusedmile: .

dfiant Wrote:Best not to self diagnose and better understand your body.

Try running a search on Body Core Temperatures and come across links this THIS

Temperature regulation and perception differ from person to person. When the temperature gets under 15c, I'm freezing and rug up while those around me are still in t-shirts.

But i'm not suprised you are HOT Wink

Hi Dad Confusedmile:

Yeah, I tend not to just guess what's going on, because a good percentage of the time it turns out to not be true.

I saw that link as well, but doesn't actually speak to me as to what the problem/cause is, atleast not in terms I can understand[I like to hear a straight up and down answer :tongue: ].

Yes, I defintely realized the regulations are different, especially because my mom is always abit chilly, even on non chilly days, but she has a small problem with her back which somehow makes her sensitive to the cold[I can't remember the name of it, but one of the bones aren't up to fit fighting shape:frown: ].

Well... yes I am hot, I know Dazzler1 :biggrin: j/k lol.

Nick9 Wrote:Hi Odi,

my friend asked at another forum. Some people had similar problems, doctors usually said that they were ok.
The diseases they were diagnosed after all (sometimes years after the first problems occurred):

inflammation of several different kinds
Crohn's disease
celiac disease
serious autoimmune disease

I guess your thermo regulation center in your brain can malfunction, but that's just my guess.
I think your doctors should not leave you with simple You are ok. Apparently, you are not...

Hi Nicky Wink .

I can see your point, it's just weird that it's only been the hot/high temperature, even though I barely feel it. Although I may have some sort of disease or something, it's not something I think doctors here would know about, because we're only just starting to become more knowledgable and advanced like America and other parts of the world.

That's it! My Brain's the problem! :tongue: . Actually, it's not a bad guess, but I don't think it's malfunctioning, but isn't working as fast or effectively as it should be.

Yeah, I don't blame the doctors if something is wrong, because we aren't as advanced medically as America, but typically or demographically, Bermudians don't tend to get sick or have illnesses very often, although with new advancements in medicine, it could prove we may have some hidden illnesses Confusedmile: .

Don't worry Nicky, I've been this way for nearly 6 years; Playing Music, dancing, swimming, following long parades, but I really appreciate the concern boo Kiss3 . I will go to the doctor the next time I get my check-up[yes, I still say check-up even though I'm a big boy now :biggrin: ] and ask.


Gizzie Wrote:I try not to go online too much when I don't feel well because it totally messes with my head...
I do know that higher body temperature is better than a a low one because it means higher metabolism and stronger immune system.
But it must be tough if you live in a a hot area.

I hope its nothing serious

It's not a matter of not feeling well, it's just normal for me, although if it gets too hot[outside], I get up and either turn the AC on or go in my room and lay down, because for some reason I feel cooler laying down, then standing/sitting[probably because I'm not exerting any energy].

Oh cool :biggrin: , but I'm not sure about higher metabolism... I look the same as I did when I was 14! Just taller Wink .

Yeah, the normals here are like 80-85F , but can reach 90F easily sometimes. It's actually something you get used to growing up here, so I wouldn't say it's tough living here, but it gets frustrating when you have to walk to the store and the temps are like 88F and you start to practically overheat halfway there.

I normally wear baggy/short clothing to reduce heat retentionConfusedmile:.

Thanks for your concern Gizzie Loveya

George Wrote:You should visit a doctor in order to be 100% sure,
By any chance do you know your hematocrit or if you have an increased level of Thyroid Hormones?
Both could rise your body temperature but im not so sure in what degree sou you should better get checked.
Prevention is better than the treatment

I shall be going again during my next check up and will ask again Confusedmile: .

Um... don't think me obtuse, but I have no clue what a Hematocrit is :redface: , although I don't think I have a Thyroid issue. I eat like a hippo and have been eating that way for years, yet I've never been over 177lbs :eek: and I have alot of energy, all the time, so I don't know, but I can always check? Confusedmile:

I agree, not sure how to prevent it, but I'll definitely have to stalk the doctors... alot. Wink .

Thanks Georgey Wink

pellaz Wrote:get an accurate digital thermometer for your self and track your body temperature in a journal. Make notes on events of the day. Correlation?

I would be worried of long term effects. You may need to find a doctor who specializes in this stuff.

We had a thermometer... but it's a rectal one >.> .

But, I wonder, how would recording my temperatures help, other than to keep track? Because I know they're always in the 100's atleast, sometimes 99 if I'm cooled off. I can try to find one, but I think I'd rather rely on a doctor for that, because I'm no good with medical stuff, but I can always try Confusedmile: .

What would a specialist in this area be called? I've just gone to a normal doctor[who's actually a friend of my moms'] , because I wouldn't know where to go for it. Even they don't know, because they believe it's a fever, but it's been going on for nearly 6years.


Thanks everyone for your concern and suggestions

I will have to go and fly over to a doctor the next time I get my check-up and ask again, but to get indefinitely treated/diagnosed, I'd probably have to go abroad, because I don't think we have any specialists in this area of medicine.

My friend joked one time after watching Twilight and said I must be a werewolf....and I was like OMG :eek: Really??????

and she said no... :frown: .

So I'm not sure, but I just know it's been this way for so long. Not very debilitating, or painful, just prickly when the weather changes [like goosebumps, but it lasts and it's under your skin], hot when it's hot or damp/humid, not so much for cold, which is when I know it's cold.

But again, thanks for the concern & suggestions guys :biggrin: . Hopefully it isn't serious and maybe I'm just a werewolf... j/k .Confusedmile:

It's not uncommon for the body to fluctuate 2 or 3 degrees either way so don't worry. Not everyone has the same base temperature, you are just different that's all.

Mrk2010 Wrote:It's not uncommon for the body to fluctuate 2 or 3 degrees either way so don't worry. Not everyone has the same base temperature, you are just different that's all.

Yes, that's true, although many doctors believe that being above 101F is abnormal and 104F a medical emergency, due to average basal temperatures being 97-99F . It'll still be good to get checked out, but I can agree with you. Confusedmile:

Yes, I've been different all my life Wink Cheerleader2 .

QueenOdi Wrote:Hi Nicky Wink .

I can see your point, it's just weird that it's only been the hot/high temperature, even though I barely feel it.

Don't worry Nicky, I've been this way for nearly 6 years; Playing Music, dancing, swimming, following long parades .

although I don't think I have a Thyroid issue. I eat like a hippo and have been eating that way for years, yet I've never been over 177lbs :eek: and I have alot of energy, all the time,

My friend joked one time after watching Twilight and said I must be a werewolf....and I was like OMG :eek: Really??????

Hi Odi Smile
actually that was what the people said - no problems, just the "fever," some of them said that they had had it for years. Usually not as high as you, but definitely high.

about the thyroid: part of what you are saying sounds like hyperthyroidism
- the appetite, your slim body, the energy, feeling hot
there is a lot more to it. Actually I have it. I don't think you do too Smile
you can have a simple blood test made and then it is quite simple to get rid of all symptom (a pill a day). I did felt hot all the time when I was at my worst, but at that point I felt like eighty year man who can't walk, climb to a bus (there were two stairs you know) and my hands were shaking so much that I couldn't write at all.
So, I guess you are a werewolf more likely Remybussi

celiac - again, a simple blood test

I don't think it is normal. High temperature is a defense of the body. You should know what enemy your body is fighting against. Bighug

one more thing to consider - how your internal organs can react to the higher temperature that doesn't go lower during several years... I don't now answer to that question.

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