05-30-2012, 05:54 AM
For 5, going on 6 years now, basically since purberty, I've had tremendously high body temperature.
It's not something that hurts or anything and is actually pretty normal for me, but when it gets really hot [88F +] is when I really start to feel it and causes my skin to turn red. Not easy living on a traditionally hot island
I don't measure it constantly, but it always frequents the 100-102F ranges, even though the normal average is 98-99F.
I'm not sure if it's because I live on an island or what, but when I turn the AC on is when I can actually feel it, because my skin begins to cool.
Oddly, I don't sweat as much as you think I would, pretty much the same as other people.
I had to be exused from Gym alot,because I would get too hot and basically overheat.
I googled it like crazy and they always say something about a fever, but I know for a fact that it's not. I have none of the symptoms they talk about and it's been constant like this for 5 going on 6 years.
I've been checked out and everything and they say everything is good and just advise me to keep drinking loads of water.
The only thing seemingly fitting to this is something called Fever of Unknown Origins, because they cannot identify it as an actual fever.
Even now as I'm typing this, I can especially feel it, because the weather is warm tonight/morning[it's 1:50am], which is another thing.
Because of this, I can especially feel damp and cold weather and warm weather as well, and have to constantly open or close windows, because my family doesn't seem to feel it.
When I touch any part of my skin, it's cool to the touch or I guess normal, but when someone else touches me, they always ask if I have a fever.
I'm not sure if this is common or not, but it intrigued me to see if anyone else experiences or has experienced this. I know they say women's hormonal changes can cause similar symptoms, but nothing about men.
It's probably incurable whatever it is, but it is convienent when it's about to rain, kind of like a precaution :biggrin: .[Sort of Prickles]
Any similar experiences?[so I don't feel so weird...:redface:]
For 5, going on 6 years now, basically since purberty, I've had tremendously high body temperature.
It's not something that hurts or anything and is actually pretty normal for me, but when it gets really hot [88F +] is when I really start to feel it and causes my skin to turn red. Not easy living on a traditionally hot island

I don't measure it constantly, but it always frequents the 100-102F ranges, even though the normal average is 98-99F.
I'm not sure if it's because I live on an island or what, but when I turn the AC on is when I can actually feel it, because my skin begins to cool.
Oddly, I don't sweat as much as you think I would, pretty much the same as other people.
I had to be exused from Gym alot,because I would get too hot and basically overheat.
I googled it like crazy and they always say something about a fever, but I know for a fact that it's not. I have none of the symptoms they talk about and it's been constant like this for 5 going on 6 years.
I've been checked out and everything and they say everything is good and just advise me to keep drinking loads of water.
The only thing seemingly fitting to this is something called Fever of Unknown Origins, because they cannot identify it as an actual fever.
Even now as I'm typing this, I can especially feel it, because the weather is warm tonight/morning[it's 1:50am], which is another thing.
Because of this, I can especially feel damp and cold weather and warm weather as well, and have to constantly open or close windows, because my family doesn't seem to feel it.
When I touch any part of my skin, it's cool to the touch or I guess normal, but when someone else touches me, they always ask if I have a fever.
I'm not sure if this is common or not, but it intrigued me to see if anyone else experiences or has experienced this. I know they say women's hormonal changes can cause similar symptoms, but nothing about men.
It's probably incurable whatever it is, but it is convienent when it's about to rain, kind of like a precaution :biggrin: .[Sort of Prickles]
Any similar experiences?[so I don't feel so weird...:redface:]
![[Image: 207050_xlarge.jpg]](http://ocw.tufts.edu/data/6/207028/207050_xlarge.jpg)