Furrrst of all... Hi

Okay, now, the real 'first of all'; news flash - not all fem/queeny/girly-guys are the same, and it frustrates me when people automatically assume that I must be good with fashion/hair-dressing, just because I dress and talk a certain way. It's how I was raised and people need to get over it...[This applies to all dis-lovers of the fem

I am in no way fashionably inclined, atleast no more than the next person, and hair dressing is not my forte'.
Come talk to me when your ready to pick up a potentially poisonous frog or an animal that can draw blood. I don't know any other fem guys, let alone "macho" straight guys, who like and handle the animals that I do, but I don't think I'm the only one on the planet, so it's best not to catergorize all fem/queeny guys the same.
Just like how you don't like to be catergorized into the "I can't even lift a twig" stereotype of gay men or whatever.
It's just not fair, and discrimination should not be waved around so freely.
Also, I have no experiences with American/British/Swedish/Indian/Russian/ whatever guys, as I'm here on a teeny little island, but we're taught not to judge here.
Sure we don't all like each other, but we'd never denounce our own, especially because of reasons beyond our control. We have a super-hot flaming drag queen who drives one of our buses and the tourists love him and we accept him.
Even if you don't like a person, for whatever reason, it should not be something you attribute to all people of that ethnicity/nationality.
That would be like me saying I don't like any White male, simply because one displeased me. If that were the case, I'd be restricted to only Black & Mulatto people, like myself.
You have to be open to love in whatever form it takes.
It could be a big hunky Black guy, a queeny Indian, an average White guy, a disabled person, even someone who you never thought in your life you'd fall for.
Everything is not just black and white, and in between are actually various beautiful different shades of colour, each as unique as they are individualistic.
So I'd take off those 1800's black and white shades and put on some flaming hot pink 2012, multispectrum shades and enjoy the view you've been missing :biggrin: .
Either way, it's your life, but I personally don't believe in judging someone based on their cover or stereotype.
[Fem guyz rule
